250s to 135s?

Posted by: graphoman on 01 June 2002

I got two 250s. They are 17-20-year old, the one I use is No. 4850 (ruined but fully re-built by Naim Audio) and the second one is No. 7043, no need yet to repaire. Of course their sounds are very different so they can’t be used in couple (one for each channel because biamping is not my aim).

Now I could pay once more for re-building the other one and still I’d have a 2x125 configuration. Or, alternatively, I’d try to swap them for a couple of 135s. What should I expect the cost would be (if such a swap is possible at all)?

Thanks for any of them
Posted on: 01 June 2002 by bob atherton

You could try running one on each side. This would use the PS from each 250 to power each speaker. Use channel 1 only for left & on the other use channel 2 for right. You need to scrounge another SNAIC 4 to do this.

I know that they are different vintages, but I bet your listening room has a different acoustic on each side. Put the newer one on the more dampened side of the room. The effect is about half way to a pair of 135's. I'm fairly sure that it will do no harm as my dealer suggested I did the same a couple of years ago, nice improvement & a very cheap short term upgrade.
