quadraspire column heights

Posted by: Alf Pilgrim on 07 April 2002

I know some of you guys have quadraspire stands. I'm thinking of going the same way but need advice on the appropriate column heights. I realise as far apart as possible is the ideal but I don't have that luxury. I particularly want to keep overall height to a minimum since the stand is necessarily between and quite close to one SBL on one side and a TV on the other.

The kit is CDX/82/250/2xHi (+a possible XPS eventually).

Will the 100mm columns cut it or do I need to go to the 140mm to ensure enough freedom from EMF effects?


Posted on: 07 April 2002 by Steve Toy
100 mm should do it no problem.

Make sure you get the Reference version of the Quadraspire - it will make as big a difference as an XPS to your CDX for around a fifth of the price given the price difference between Reference and Standard QS.



The proof of the pudding...

Posted on: 08 April 2002 by Top Cat
I don't know if the column heights actually make a difference to the sound quality, but I'd say that the smaller the columns the better. Allows you more room to add further shelves.

Be aware that the reference tops fit into columns, but also have spiked feet. SO, if QS supply 100mm columns, the reference shelf clearance will be 100mm + the height of the spiked feet (100mm-ish, IIRC).

So, unless you need any more clearance, 60mm columns plus the reference feet should be enough to place a standard height Naim component. The CDX should sit on the Reference top, and I'd recommend that the XPS be far away from it, not underneath. Perhaps the preamp can fit underneath, and 60mm columns plus the feet would be enough to allow an air gap above the preamp I shoud think.

TC '..'
"Girl, you thought he was a man, but he was a Muffin..."

Posted on: 08 April 2002 by Mick P
Mr Toy

I have heard the two types of Quadspire, and whilst there is no doubt that the bog seats (reference version) are a big improvement, (let us be honest, the standard version is all but sonically useless), it is totally misleading to compare it with adding a XPS to a CDX.

The adddition of a XPS brings about a huge benifit which transforms the CDX, whilst the bog seat brings about a good improvement. However to claim that it brings about the same improvement for a fifth of the price etc is totally misleading.

Please stop exaggerating.



Posted on: 08 April 2002 by Steve Toy

Park a CDX/XPS on standard Q4 QS, and a naked CDX on QS Ref. Bog Seats and it will definitely not be a no-brainer.

I am not a gambling man but...



The proof of the pudding...

Posted on: 08 April 2002 by Mick P

The benefit of changing racks is immediate but the XPS needs a few days to sound half decent. So the question is ...was the XPS you heard fully warmed up and run in.?

Good though the reference table is, it just does not compare to a XPS.



Posted on: 08 April 2002 by Alf Pilgrim
I was worried that the 100mm columns would not be far enough apart to avoid eletromagnetic interference.

I have a TAG AV32R processor parked (literally) on top of the 82 and I do get a slight degredation in sound. I have to live with this for the moment but didn't want to upgrade the stand and still find EMF a problem.

Thanks for the pointer towards the reference model. May or may not be in XPS territory but it appears it might be a useful ugrade from the standard product in any case.

point taken re XPS siting. I assume near the hicaps or 250 is ok. Is there a preference order?


Posted on: 08 April 2002 by Mick P

The main rule of thumb is to keep the pre amp as far away as possissible from the 250 and Hicaps.

The CDX can sit near the pre amp, probably underneath it.

I would give the kit a month to warm up and settle down and then experiment with switching a couple of boxes around.

Also the gap above and below a black box is less critical than the gaps on either side. So a box a few inches above another is ok, but try to keep 12" or so between them on each side.

If you have two sets of rack, it is usually best to place the power amp, XPs and Hicaps on one rack and the CD Player and pre amp on the other.

Hope this helps.

