Lp12 dun right??
Posted by: Justin on 12 April 2002
I'm presently anticipating the arrival of a new Lp12 and am considering the following options, which are possible in the alternative, NOT at the same time:
Amplifiers are Naim (102/hicap/250), and the arm is well settled and is staying (Ittock). Cartrdige is a Benz Micro Gilder L2, which is at least twice as good as the old Glider L1. Curiously, it liked to be loaded down quite a bit (or is it up--best at 47k ohms) even though it is a low output MC. Cheapo cartridges are de rigoure around here, as my 2 year old expresses proclivities to yank cantelevers out of thier mountings. So, no cart reccomendations, please.
What I'm looking for is a detailed description of what I can expect to hear from one or both of the conbinations.
If not geddon, PSU would be valhalla.
I put that before a prefix - source first and all that.
Armageddon first. Absolutely.
Prefix/Hicap is fantastic, but if you compare a Armageddon to a Valhalla/Prefix, the Armageddon wins. Which makes sense--it is more tightly controlling the motor, and thus limiting the loss of information at the stylus. As good as the Prefix is, it cannot put back info which is not recovered in the first place.
I've not done the dem with an LV3, but I have heard the difference with an Ittok LV2 and an Aro, with Karma and Troika cartridges.
Of course, ultimately you'll want both.
As you know I have recently fitted a Prefix to my LP12, but this has been running a Lingo for the last 10 years so I can't really comment on the relative worth of the two. With the Prefix the scale of the presentation has increased (ie bigger soundstage), imagery is occasionally better, depending on the recording, and instruments sound considerably more lifelike. It is particularly noticeable with strings, piano and sax. Tracking has also improved.
I think either Lingo/Armegeddon or Prefix are going to work for you, so in your position I would go for whatever becomes available at a reasonable cost first. As Bob says, ultimately you'll want both, and I'll suspect you'll get there too.
Finally a word on the Lingo feedback into Naim systems, especially CD players. Here in Australia I never heard any evidence of a negative interaction between the two. There was simply no difference in CD replay with the Lingo attached or not. Even so I had the Andrew Weekes mod made to my Lingo and as expected it made no difference to CD replay. As for the effect on vinyl, I felt there was possibly an improvement in resolving complex music, but wasn't entirely convinced that this might not be attributable to the placebo effect. Differences with/without Prefix are of an entirely different order of magnitude (greater than the diff between 250 & 135 for example).
Hope this helps.
I'm curious as to how you know the ARO was a bigger upgrade than the geddon/prefix if you did them all at the same time.
I'm presenlty awaiting an Audiotech Lp12 stand, which i reckon will be the biggest upgrade I can do at the moment. I heard a couple of them a few weeks ago, and I'd never heard the Lp12 sound so good.
So, in order of preference (greatest first):
Aro (over Akito)
Mana (over Target wallshelf)
Lingo (over Basik PSU/Valhalla)
Asaka (over K9)
3M feet and no baseboard mod
...but all were worthwhile for me. The amount of improvement that you get for moving PSU will depend a lot on whether your arm is top notch and able to deliver the difference to your amp, etc.
TC '..'
"Girl, you thought he was a man, but he was a Muffin..."
To each his own, and all that.
Besides, is there nobody here at all that is willing to admit that they like the "plumby" quality of the Lp12 in the lower midband. I'm not scared to admit that this aspect of the Lp12 sound is part of the table's charm for me, and, I suspect, for many people on this forum, though some my be loathe to admit it.
Anyway, I intend to get up to a nice naim/Linn shop in the next couple of weeks (where I'm picking up my new Lp12) and will have a listen to the geddon/ARO again at that time. I'll report back.
did you know, that even ivor t. 's putting his deck on a auditech wall shelf? ;-)i like the mana stands for cd, amps, tuner and speakers, but i also prefer the audiotech wall shelf for my deck.
Like Klaus, I too am using an Audiotech under my LP12 (though I do not have Mana under the rest). I've been quite happy with the shelf. However, I have not tired any others. Wall shelf comparisons/demos are difficult given the destructive (to the wall that is) aspect of an installation.
Dev -- who has two Audiotechs and a Audiotech Pico power supply table going spare/taking up space. Email me if you want it.
Please contact me by email before 5 o'clock this afternoon on p.gravett@ioe.ac.uk, afterwards on paul@londonaa.demon.co.uk or 07967 732682.
BTW, does anyone have contact details for Audiotech. I tried searching for them on Google and came up with nothing.
(BTW, my Audiotech/LP-12 is on a suspended hardwood floor)
Ron The Mon,
Arch Kan defender and wall driller.
I intend to use the Audiotech on a suspended hardwood floor. I have determined through multiple itterations that ALL of my gear sounds best on a suspended hardwood floor. This included the naim Sbl's, LP12, Rega P9, and P3 2000.
Second place was carpet on top of suspended hardwood or plywood underlayment. The worst in all cases, in my experience (yours may differ) was poured concrete (or cement) such as that found in my basement. In particular, my P9 and P3 2000 sounded like total ASS on concrete (with aound org TT stand in between). I have no idea what they would sound like with other stands.
My Audiotech source (a dealer whom I've worked with in the past) may not have a unit available afterall. This is discouraging to me--So, I'm still looking.