Linn manuals

Posted by: monkfish on 23 January 2002

If anyone would like a copy of the original LP12 owners manual or the KAN/SARA/ISOBARIK manuals, I have them in pdf form. Also I have an LP12 20 page setup manual which is in word document form and is a total mine of information.
Posted on: 23 January 2002 by Guido
Hi Jim!

I sent you an email - thanks for the offer!


Posted on: 23 January 2002 by David Stewart
David S
Posted on: 23 January 2002 by Dr. Exotica
Thanks for the generous offer.


Posted on: 23 January 2002 by Craig B
The old LP12 setup manual is also still available in Word 6 format via Tony L's flat earth pages. Try a web search.
Posted on: 23 January 2002 by Martin Payne
I would love a copy of the Isobarik one. Thanks.

Tried to d/l from the Linn site, but it's stuffed.

cheers, Martin

Posted on: 23 January 2002 by Paul Ranson
Tried to d/l from the Linn site, but it's stuffed.

Try opening it rather than saving it, and then save from the embedded Acrobat (I think you need to use the toolbar button) I don't know how or why the site is buggered, perhaps someone should tell them?


Posted on: 23 January 2002 by Martin Payne
Originally posted by Paul Ranson:
Try opening it rather than saving it, and then save from the embedded Acrobat (I think you need to use the toolbar button) I don't know how or why the site is buggered, perhaps someone should tell them?


I just clicked on the link for 'Isobarik' from the manuals page. It complained that I had no access because I'd come from some foreign site, when I was on the Linn one all the time.

I then tried 'contact us', typed up an error report (I am a programmer, after all), and got another, much more impressive error instead.

I'm running IE5.5, BTW.

cheers, Martin

Posted on: 23 January 2002 by Paul Ranson
IE5 on W2K allowed me to open it and save, I get some unauthorized error when 'saving target as'. IE6 on XPPro is the same, except I don't have Acrobat installed on that system so it saved it for me.

I guess it just doesn't like you. Or it's a hitherto unknown interaction between all that aluminium in a Naim 6 pack and the Linn site.

I then tried 'contact us', typed up an error report (I am a programmer, after all), and got another, much more impressive error instead.

Let me see,

I pressed the 'email Linn' button at the bottom of the page and sent them an email. We will see what happens.

I'm a programmer too, although I find the loose typing and general vagueness of much Web programming rather old fashioned. I think Linn must have a bug in their handling of the 'Referer' header field. I have an HTTP Get program, I'll have a play.


Posted on: 23 January 2002 by Milan
The LP12 Manual would be great i will send an e-mail to you.


You got an error saying you were from a foreign site from Linn! They are in Scotland and you are in England. Understandable from their point of view. Maybe Alex Salmond has helped develop the web site! smile


Posted on: 23 January 2002 by Jez Quigley
Yes please!