More help with an article, please

Posted by: Arye_Gur on 14 July 2001

I'm arguing in a Hebrew stereo forum.
When I came there, they were talking only about technical data - and they use it as the pointer to separate between a good or bad system.

The first argue with me was about the "Timing" -
which they claim it is a none exist concept.

I had to work hard (with help here) to show them that they are wrong.

Now I'm looking for two articles -
Is anyone of you know about an article in which a manufacturer talks about timing and how he deals with it ?

Do you know about article in which a manufacturer talks about component he uses, how precise they are (or unique) ?



Posted on: 14 July 2001 by Phil Barry
Sh*t! Fifteen years ago, Bill Johnson of Audio Researcg Corp (the very expensive tuibe stuff from Minnesota) said that they had the frequency response right - the next step was to get the time domain right - this from a guy whose stuff is pretty round earth. (I asked the question that got this response at a seminar in Skoikie, IL.)

Maybe it CAN'T be measured - yet. Timing exists, but the measurement techniques don't.

Posted on: 14 July 2001 by Arye_Gur
you know it, and it is quite easy listenable,
but it is very difficult to me to convince them.

I think someone from Naim said that they use a kind of filters to equel the time response of an amplifier to all frequensies ? Do you know such a thing ?

Or is it the very fast transistors they manufacture by themselves that make the job ?


Posted on: 14 July 2001 by Allan Probin

You may want to try this article Pace, Rhythm and Dynamics by Martin Colloms in the Stereophile archives


Posted on: 14 July 2001 by Andrew Randle
Whoever said "timing does not exist" is a twerp.

Let's put a phase-shifting echo box on the end of his Audio Research preamp....i.e. an Audio Research power amp.


Andrew Randle
2B || !2B;
4 ^ = ?;

Posted on: 14 July 2001 by Steve Toy
I.e: Subjective timing versus objective "measure."
If it times like a "metronome" then the rhythm of percussion in synchronisation with the leading edges of notes played - or lack of, can be perceived, and measured. If you look at some kind of graph of how high the mountain is climbed - and how steep the rise is, followed by the same for the drop to the other side, or decay, of both notes and percussion then PR&T can be measured. This is the objective, or cosmic account.
As for the phenomenological aspect, we are appreciating the relationship between changes in pace, or tempo, the contrast between fast and slow. This cannot be measured so easily, only appreciated. This is my personal summary of part of the Martin Colloms essay, as I understand it.
Top-flight Naim gear seems able to do both.

It's always a nice day for it, have a good one wink