Active Briks advice sought

Posted by: Arthur Bye on 10 August 2002

I'm looking to go active with a set of Isobariks (PMS Ser# 00265x, early 80's, Naxo3-6, ser# 44xxx). I'm wondering what the most cost effective amplification route is.

I'm going to temporarily use a borrowed six pack of 135's, but I'd like to know the best way to spend my amplification dollars.

I was originally just going to get 3X NAP250-used-new style, but now I'm thinking I might be better off with a mix or maybe older 135's that have been recapped. I know the Naxo limits this, especially for the bass, but I'm wondering anyhow.

Any suggestions from the knowledgable few?

Arthur Bye
Posted on: 10 August 2002 by Tim Danaher
Arthur --

I'm in a similar position: I've got a NAXO 3-6 feeding 2 x 135 on the treble and 2 x 250 for the bass and midrange. It seems a bit odd having the 135s driving the tweeters, but then again, they do handle the widest frequency range of all the drive units in the briks, and bandwidth is what it's about. When the system was first set up like this the treble becomes over-bright, the 135s effectively increasing the tweeters' volume relative to the 250s. However, fiddling about with the NAXO's HF pots cures this.

I'll work my way up to a six-pack eventually, but mixing is only worth it if this (the six-pack) is your ultimate goal. If you can get a job lot of used 135s and then have them re-capped, then I'd say go for it!


Posted on: 11 August 2002 by Mick P
Instead of buying a six pack plus all the other stuff, why not go for a Nap 500.


Posted on: 11 August 2002 by Tim Danaher
Originally posted by Mick Parry:
Instead of buying a six pack plus all the other stuff, why not go for a Nap 500.



Arthur asked for the most cost-effective amplification method. A second-hand six-pack (old-style) can be had for about GBP 4500, including re-capping, as against GBP 10000 for a NAP 500


Posted on: 11 August 2002 by Mick P

A second hand Nap500 can be had for £6500-£7000


Posted on: 11 August 2002 by Arthur Bye

While I have not excluded getting a Nap500. They aren't available used over the pond. I've yet to see one come up for sale in the US. Don't much like the idea of buying one overseas either.

I was thinking more along the lines of:

is a six pack of older(ser# 10,000-50,000), but recapped 135's, better than current vintage 3 X 250's(ser# 175,000 +)? Seems they would be somewhere around the same price.

BTW. I liked your photos. My mental picture of you and your digs was just about the same, just missing the cap and the glass of whiskey. Now, where's Mrs. Mick?


Arthur Bye
Posted on: 12 August 2002 by Paul Ranson
What's left to discuss?


A pair of good Briks, £700. Three LK280, £750. A Linn Aktiv, £200.

£1650. That leaves you with over £7500 to do something else with.

And you have 480Wpc to impress your mates with...

350W of Class A implies an idle of at least 700W. That's 1.4KW at idle. Not very comfortable in the summer. If the amps are in the speakers I imagine they need fans and you have to be sure you're not setting the curtains on fire.

Usually when manufacturers say 'Class A' they don't mean it.

Posted on: 12 August 2002 by Arthur Bye

I've already got the Brik's, Naxo, and HiCap. I've even got most of the Naca5 I need. I've even got the XLR's. Mostly I was looking for a recommendation on NAIM amps (i.e. 135's X 6 or 250 X 3, or 180 X 3, 110, 90, etal-old style, new style).

The Linn solution seems like an easy and cheap fix, but I was looking for a Naim solution.

If I was going to spend 10,000 quid I'd get a NAP500.

The Mana can wait until later.

I'm already pretty good at spending a lot of money on my own. I don't need any help here. What I need is recommendations on spending a little money.

Arthur Bye
Posted on: 12 August 2002 by Paul Ranson
Three NAP250s. But if you can afford a six pack then problem solved.

I have an aesthetic preference for three amps...

Posted on: 12 August 2002 by Martin M
350 wpc [class A] versus 140 wpc

James, I really hope the the ATCs don't have 350W of Class A amplification, because:

a) the heat will kill you

b) the electricity bill will bankrupt you

c) the ATC's smallish heatsinks suggest that with around 800-900 Watts of heat to disappate, the amps will eventually set fire.

Although a combined hi-fi/BBQ/Heavy Metal Concert Pyrotechnic stage show has a certain fascination, product longevity may suffer.

Other than that, good speakers. Need the Mana stands though.

Oh yeah, surely it what the quality of the first watt that counts?
Posted on: 13 August 2002 by Martin M
Class A up to 2/3 of maximum output, sorry.

I still doubt it if is Class A beyond about 5 Watts, maybe less.

Doesn't actually matter that much. I guess the point is, if it sounds good it is good. I wouldn't really try to justify the purchase of an amp on power output or Class of operation. That's Krell territory.
Posted on: 13 August 2002 by Paul Ranson
Arthur has 'PMS' Briks of a fairly early vintage. Conversion to passive isn't a design option, although of course anything is possible.

Have you ever heard active Isobariks?

And why recommend a £6000 amp when a s/h six-pack can be had for substantially less and Arthur already has the crossover?

Posted on: 13 August 2002 by Paul Ranson
Definitive evidence of deafness?

Posted on: 13 August 2002 by sj.pike
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Arthur Bye:

I've already got the Brik's, Naxo, and HiCap. I've even got most of the Naca5 I need. I've even got the XLR's. Mostly I was looking for a recommendation on NAIM amps (i.e. 135's X 6 or 250 X 3, or 180 X 3, 110, 90, etal-old style, new style).

I've been using Naim Tri-amp (3x250's) system to drive Linn isobariks for around 12yrs now. The system has never failed to impress, and i would say that this would be the route to take, rather than the six pack. Improvements to the front end first being more beneficial than the six 135's.

Goood luck!

Posted on: 14 August 2002 by Steve G
Originally posted by james mcp:

P.S. Paul, the problem is that _they_ simply _don't want_ to believe it. Ho hum.


I don't want to worry you, but you're beginning to sound like Mr. Pig... wink

Posted on: 14 August 2002 by Mick P

You are sounding like Pig.......look what happened to him.


Posted on: 14 August 2002 by Paul Ranson
I've heard the POG system. And I have Aktiv Isobariks.

So it must be me that's deaf? Hand me the Q-Tips!

Posted on: 14 August 2002 by Martin M
I've been bankrupted by me 'leccy bill! Anyone want to buy a stereo?

Crikey, a man of your means bunkrupted by standard Class A/B amps with bugger all current drain. Never!

I'll take the speakers. You can keep that CD player.....
Posted on: 14 August 2002 by Paul Ranson
On a democratic count of those who have heard the Pog system, I'm afraid to break it Paul, but you are unfortunately deaf.

How many of your caucus have heard my Briks?

Or perhaps one of those sensitive and delicate souls who "don't want all that from a Hi FI" and dislike live bands.

The 'Briks are staying' clincher (and this was when they were passive) was 'Hendrix in the West' sounding rather a lot like a live band. And very loud.

I've no desire to get onto an indefinite upgrading ladder, or into a debate about the 'Mana Effect', save that it appears to induce a proper attitude to music. And that was what I most liked about the Pog house.

Anybody who wants to criticise my system (or my record collection...) is welcome. Email in profile!

Posted on: 14 August 2002 by Hermann
Seems that I'm deaf either. Listen to briks in various setups. Active, passive, older and newer version with different drivers but never ever got that what Pog's and my system can do.

Activating speakers isnt necessarily the last answer to get the best out of a system.

Posted on: 14 August 2002 by Hermann
Well Paul and the towers are growing wink

See you
Posted on: 14 August 2002 by Hermann
Posted on: 14 August 2002 by Hermann
ah..... now I know who you are. Hey you should update your profile.


Posted on: 16 August 2002 by Hermann

Send it over I'll upgrade the picutre. wink

Posted on: 16 August 2002 by Hermann
... are you married?