NBL's or 4 pack
Posted by: Dev B on 21 May 2001
Make an appointment with a hearing specialist.
SBL's are very loud unless your hearing is akin to that of Quasimodo
Keep the SBL's and buy more black boxes.
You know it makes sense.
I had always assumed Aberdeen was a city, but it appears I must have been wrong, and it is in fact a small island in the middle of nowhere with just one inhabitant.
Either that or you own the only nightclub I know that uses Naim equipment.
I thought I was fortunate in having elderly neighbours who are hard of hearing (well they are now anyway).
Here is what you should REALLY do:
1. Buy a 500
2. Get rid of that dull, lifeless, and boring WT.
3. Admit #2 and buy a Linn.
Ride the Light !
But I did start to bottom out my SBL's with other types of music I really enjoy - techno, and all sorts of weird electronic stuff, that has to be played loudly to be enjoyed.
So I think better speakers should come first in my situation.
After spending £10k on something, I don't want brillance in 50% of my records and frustration in the other 50%.
What do you think?
ps. the WT stays! I don't like Linns anymore
My preference would be the NBLs, which driven at the end of 135s still sound quite serious, and are just as musically enjoyable.
If volume is also what you're after, the NBLs will make more sense; the SBLs can only do so much before they start bottoming out. Active 135s on SBLs are also very good, but in my opinion don't quite match the NBLs in terms of overall scale, although the other tinkly bits should sound better.
Then you can always buy a 500 later after the NBLs, which will be the icing on the cake.
Good listening; the music's still groovin'.
naimniac for life
#1 is a music composition scored for violin, percussion, bowed koto and live bees. A live bee hive of 3,000 bees in a glass exhibit case is on stage and the audio output of the bees, is mixed live, responding to the instructions on the score and to the performative nuances of the players. In addition to the large mass of bee sound, smaller number of bees, yellow jackets and bumble bees are isolated in tubes, so that through live audio mixing, individual bees can "solo" Through this process I have discovered that by isolating a critical mass of bees, the bees create rhythms that can be mixed into the sound landscape.
*2 This piece will involve ten naked Asian men who will be lying on 10 tables (massage size) and each will have 6 audio pickups attached to different parts of their body. They will be lying prone, and the amplified sound of their bodies, such as sounds of the stomach, swallowing, natural body shifting on the table, heart-beating sounds, etc. will be amplified and mixed by a sound technician. Later, in the studio, theses sounds will be layered and manipulated via computer and digital signal processing. In addition, I will interview each of the ten men participants and the text will be taken from the interviews, recontextualized, fractured and interwoven to the soundscape.Naked men, particularly Asian men are rarely part of the public and media imagination. By employing Asian naked men into a sound piece, I hope to confront this current invisibility of Asian, and Asian men in particular, in an upbeat and positive-Asian-male body kind of way.
I heartily recommend some of you join Dev in this sonic adventure.
I went the speaker route instead of the power amp route with my CDS2/52/250 by ditching the albions in favor of Wilson Benesch Act 2s. Absolutely brilliant. Still in heaven almost two months later. I haven't heard a 500, but at some point the physical limitations of a speaker has to come into play, such that it makes little sense to get such an expensive amp unless the right speakers are there first. Another thing: the 250 is a much better amp than I ever imagined.
the SBL doesn't have the headroom to play really dynamically at reasonable volume in a large room.
A kick-ass, active, large-speaker system will go loud in a way which makes you realise that it's the distortion on the peaks which makes you think you're getting a lot of volume from less capable speakers.
cheers, Martin
Andrew Randle
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