Enjoy the MUSIC!!!

Posted by: RICHYH on 25 February 2002

Just got back from the show, great show too. It was good to see the Naim people there making music with some excellent new and older kit. I know alot of effort went in from many people to give a good day out. Thanks to Audio Excellence, Audio T and all the manufactures.
I worked in Hi end retail for 15 years and think the buzz from this website has been fantastic, regarding Naim's new stuff etc etc.
It is good to see many other people like myself only interested in music and not so keen on the TV and surround sound. Whilst I fully appreciate we are all different and want different things, TV does not give me any kick atall compared to sitting eyes open or closed staring into space playing an lp, cd with or without a glass of wine.

I know from experience you can get carried away and paronoid with your own system after attending these events. The number of people who stop hearing music and start hearing HI FI when they get back home is incredible. They start playing single tracks instead of LPs or stop playing half way through a song (this should be made illegal!!).
Please, you have to believe when I say "Just play the music relax and enjoy it". You'll get the same tingle down your neck whether its 42/110 or 552/500. Reading the forum I'm not sure everyone is doing this. Forget Bass reponce, imagery etc and listen, there are alot of great albums out there.

Posted on: 25 February 2002 by Martinm
To true! I am guilty!

Anyhow I'm now gonna settle down with my Dido CD for the rest of the afternoon big grin
