Placing a better (alps?) volume pot in Nait-2

Posted by: Alco on 30 April 2002

Hi folks,

The last couple of weeks I have the oppurtunity to use my Nait-2 and/or my Cyrus III amp, to drive my current SF 'Concertinos'.

Out of curiosity I compared both of 'em just for fun. Even though it's obvious that the Cyrus has a bit more juice at higher volume,it's pretty obvious... The ol' Nait-2 is just more musical.
(especially the mids are more open and way more natural.) The Cyrus 'sounds' good but a little too technical compared to the Nait,imho.

But...the positive side of the Cyrus (besides its better looks) is mainly the perfect channel balance at low listening levels.
(and the bonus that I can adjust the volume level with my Naim CDX remote! smile )

Surely, my following questions has been asked before in the past,but I couldn't find the topic.

is it wise/possible to "modyfie" the Nait-2 by placing a better quality (alps?) pot in it?

It would be great,cause the low-level channel inbalance can be pretty annoying, imo

Has anyone ever tried this or heard a 'modified' Nait ? (Nait-1 or -2)

Alco smile
Posted on: 30 April 2002 by Lawrence Hudson
Hi Alco,

I have a similar annoyance with my Nait 1 and have asked Naim to look at it whilst it is in for a recap. It won't be ready for another couple of weeks so I can't comment yet but I will let you know.

Posted on: 30 April 2002 by J.N.
I sent my Nait 2 back to Naim to look at the problem.

They reckon that a better quality 'alps' pot won't fit.

They offered to try a box full of (the same) pots with no guarantee of finding a better one; with me paying for the time and labour incurred.

I declined.

As it was in my 'study' system and predominantly used at low levels, I sold it and bought a 32.5 - 160 which has a good quality pot.

It's a shame; because Naits 1 and 2 have a great sound, but were designed for gramophones!
Posted on: 30 April 2002 by bec143
Hmmm, I may be having the same problem. I have a FC/CD5/Hi/92R/90.3 and I often have to skew the balance adjust to about 10:00 to get even balance. I thought it was because one end of my room is open, but maybe the problem is with the preamp! The strange thing's not the same with all recordings. Some CDs sound right with the balance dead center. So, do I need to get the 92 looked at? It's kind of a pain having to remember the correct balance for each CD!
