Linn Basik question
Posted by: Guido on 13 November 2001
Months ago I got great advice by the forum which ended up in the purchase of a vintage lp12 - old version, no additional plinth bracers.
The turntable came with a transcriptors reference fluid tonearm but although I had support by the helpfull son of the original inventor (by supplying spares) I never managed to get it going. Then I changed plans, purchased a vintage Grace tonearm, the 707, things started ok - but no armcables available / in sight. In the meantime the lp12 got a valhalla ps, although it rests on top of a dedicated altar (rega wallshelf with diy wooden shelf on spikes on top) I made a trampolinn baseboard fit (corners didn't fit - due to age of plinth) - a friend of mine, master of powertools cut it. Although I read on this forum the "nirvana" set was no longer available there was no difficulty in purchasing new springs (black ones) and rubber bearings in Munich/germany. I also added new main bearing oil and a new felt mat. Then I decided to go basic - bought a Linn Basik Plus tonearm and a nearly unused (local dealer) K 18 cartridge.
This baby rocks!!
Although my humble CDI pleases me I did not listen to CD for more than a week by now. And these are only my "old" records - rediscovered my teenage time!!!
And here is my question:
How is the ranking of the Basik tonearms:
Basik LV V
Basik LV X
Basik Plus
Just curious....
And: many thanks again for the advice given around
may - made me a proud lp12 owner.
Best regards
P.S.: It's snowing in Munich