Stereophile Home Electronics Show Report in New York

Posted by: bdnyc on 04 June 2002

For Innovative Audio, I wanted to thank all of the visitors who came by the three Naim demonstrations in the show last weekend. I also wanted to thank the folks at Naim North America who did such a great job in presenting the new equipment. They were also aided and abetted by Doug Graham and a team from the UK who were a huge help, as well as a pleasure to work with.

Naim and Innovative presented in three different rooms. We had a full Naim system showcasing the 552 and the new SL2's, which were at points in a stereo, and later in the weekend, we combined systems to showcase the wonderful AV2 in a full Naim 6.1 theater. This was a uniquely musical approach to home theater that, I think, surprised many people. In a second room, Naim's lower priced system delighted many listeners who found out how musical a Five series system based on Allaes could be.

Finally, as noted elsewhere in this forum, Dynaudio North America was using a CDS II, 52, 500 system to showcase their official debut of the Confidence 4 loudspeakers. This was one of the finest big systems on display in the show, and the buzz on this system was incredible.

Many visitors told us how much they loved one or the other of these demos. If you are interested the Stereophile website includes more show reports.

For those of you who missed the show, check out these wonderful new Naim products at a dealer near you soon.

Bruce Deegan
Innovative Audio New York
Posted on: 15 June 2002 by Chris West
We do like to enjoy ourselves wink

Chris West

Naim USA.
Posted on: 15 June 2002 by Chris West
It was Steve's idea...honestly.

Chris West

Naim USA.
Posted on: 15 June 2002 by Chris West
Steve Kregling and Chris Koster of Naim USA, vet potential attendees of the new products launch party.

Chris West

Naim USA.
Posted on: 15 June 2002 by Chris Bell

OK, i'll bite, what's up with Dave Wilson? Did he get real drunk at your party and offer to paint your DBLs in Mercedes silver?

Chris Bell

Posted on: 16 June 2002 by Chris West
That's right Mark, Dave W. from Accent on Music (a dealer of Naim since they opened their doors for business way back when...) and before anyone asks, the colored splotches on these pics came from a "Questar" multicolored sound-to-light machine.

Chris West

Naim USA.

[This message was edited by Chris West NANA on MONDAY 17 June 2002 at 07:51.]
Posted on: 16 June 2002 by Chris West
Shown here is a pre-show test set up for our 552/500 system.

Chris West

Naim USA.
Posted on: 19 June 2002 by Chris West
Thanks Man! smile

....and now that's behind us let's see what we can do with an extra 800 square feet of office space! (expanded NANA upgrade, version 3.2 coming soon....)

Chris West

Naim USA.
Posted on: 21 June 2002 by Chris West
I'm pleased to announce that as of yesterday (somewhat earlier than I expected!) we gained access to our additional space and we literally opened new's amazing how many previously closed doors have been opened as of late wink

Chris West

Naim USA.
Posted on: 21 June 2002 by David Dever
I can see the Naim arc logo on the floor in marble already...
Posted on: 21 June 2002 by Rob Doorack
It should be mentioned that the Naim staff at HE2002 were wonderfully patient and tolerant of obnoxious hi fi writers who barged in to their rooms and demanded to hear crude punk rock CDs.

The new SL2's were spectacular at the back end of a CDS2, 552, and 500 chain.
Posted on: 22 June 2002 by Chris West
Cheers Rob!

Chris West

Naim USA.
Posted on: 22 June 2002 by Chris West

similar thought's have crossed my mind wink

Chris West

Naim USA.
Posted on: 26 June 2002 by Chris West
Please note that Naim USA (aka NANA) has been undergoing a major re-vamp of all systems, changes and additions to staff, and operating space....

I'm very pleased to say that things are going very well, and that we will be in a much better position to handle the increased (80% over this time last year) level of business, and volume of service and repair work....

Thanks to all for your patience.

Chris West

Naim USA.

[This message was edited by Chris West NANA on THURSDAY 27 June 2002 at 04:39.]
Posted on: 26 June 2002 by Ron
...on the show's success and 80% increase in turnover. Would you care to inform this forum what factors have contributed to NANA's rapid increase in business?

Best wishes in your expanded operations.

Posted on: 28 June 2002 by Eric Barry
Let's see--increased media presence (many favorable reviews in US mags over the last 4 years and the growth of Listener with its Naim-friendly approach), the forum, the availability of dime bags (old 42/110s etc) to get you hooked, truly dedicated user base, new product intros (Fraim, 5 series, Allae, 500 series) and what else, maybe superior product and service?

When does NANA IPO? How many other companies can boast 80% YOY growth right now? Are you sure of your accounting?

Posted on: 28 June 2002 by Mark Dunn
Hi all:

I happened to be driving past Worldcom HQ in Jackson, Mississippi yesterday and noticed that some clown had dropped their Star Spangled Banner to half mast.

On a tenuously related note, I saw an illuminated sign outside a small strip mall (that's a small row of shops by the side of the road, - not what you were musing), advertising the stores. It read from top down:

Day School

Best Regards,
Mark Dunn