CDX/XPS and Stands or CDS2...?
Posted by: Steveandkate on 26 June 2001
Seems to me that the CDX is stand dependant to some degree, but the CDS2 is less so, so is it worth spending the difference on a CDS2 - I am moving to Spain, and the music room will be refurbished to suit, so the rest of the system can sit on solid concrete if that is what it takes ( solid floor and walls )or have I missed the point about stands..?
Also, would it be too sad to start my life with Naim by buying a CDS2 - I am not rich, but don't want to keep on changing things - Andy Weekes suggested that I went for a CDS2 when I first posted a question (Man with no Naim, £5-7000 to burn), and got put down by many in favour of a balanced system, but the budget seems to be rising, as does my credit limit, with every demo I attend...
What do you say ?
Posted on: 26 June 2001 by ken c
- it's better to get something you know you'll keep than something you'll want to swap in a couple of years. I think you can get too hung up on system balance.yes, i agree. there are other factors like long term plans for your hifi. i cant recall what the rest of your system is, but i can tell you that cdsii is a very special box of tricks. i have just bought one and its sitting on an "ordinary" rack (quadraspire) - i dont believe its suffering much. you can also get hung up on racks (they do make a "difference" by the way). best if you get a chance to audition any. i am leaving my cdsii on QS for a long while yet -- but i am actively investigating mana for my lp12.
let us know what you decide.
Posted on: 26 June 2001 by Steveandkate
Does not yet exist... !
It is likely to be an 82, 180 and SBL's or Allaes
Posted on: 26 June 2001 by ken c
It is likely to be an 82, 180 and SBL's or Allaes i havent heard the alleas but some who heard it at bristol claim it could be better than sbl's !!! a system based on cdsii/82/180 and either speaker would do very nicely indeed. what power supply have you decided on for the 82?
let the good times roll...
Posted on: 26 June 2001 by Chris Dolan
Does not yet exist... !
It is likely to be an 82, 180 and SBL's or Allaes
.....and with a (new?)CDSII at the front!!...for £7k?
Either you are planning to spend more or this is a longer term plan - even s/h would be difficult as the CDSII/xps is over £6k.
However if you can afford to go straight to the CDSII it is probably the best route. Assuming that you are not contemplating a turntable.
Ignoring stands for the moment the cdx to cdx/xps to cdsii/xps ugrade route is fine and can work for most people but looking at it pragmatically if you've got the money the cost differential between cdx/xps and cdsii/xps is only £1.6k and you get a flash thrown in - madness isn't it!!
I bet you will love it!
ken c asked about power supply for the 82. I'd strongly advocate the supercap - whooooops there goes atother £2+k.
Posted on: 27 June 2001 by Andrew Randle
Andy Weekes suggested that I went for a CDS2 when I first posted a question (Man with no Naim, £5-7000 to burn)
No, it was the other Andrew (me!). The suggestion was to go for a
CDS2/Nait 5/Kans.
Roughly analagous to the LP12/Nait 2/Kans suggestion from the good old days.
Andrew Randle
2B || !2B;
4 ^ = ?;
Posted on: 27 June 2001 by ken c
patrick dixon says:
Ken, don't confuse the poor man! He can run the 82 from the 180 (since he's already blown his budget to bits)!!
of course your are right patrick! my apologies to steveand kate.
however, there is no question that 82/*cap/180 will sound better than system without a *cap, but i agree, this need not be an immediate concern if we are balancing a budget. whatever you do steveandkate, do not demo an 82 with power supply into 180 -- this will complicate things significantly as you will definitely prefer the configuration with separate power supply. phew...
Posted on: 27 June 2001 by Steveandkate
Firstly, sorry Andrew Randle - good advice, thanked by an incorrect namecheck...
Also, Ken C - I heard the allaes at Bristol - was very impressed too !!
I was planning on a hicap, but all this won't happen if ther is roughly a grand to spend on a stand - it'll be a CDX/XPS.
The budget is already blown ( it started at £1500 for a CD player, to go with my old system, then grew when I went to Bristol) but credit cards have a habit of getting the limit upped every time I ring - I am just about to buy a house in Spain, so can't go too silly ( Good idea, huh - sell up here, buy cheaply there, spend all savings on a hi-fi, work 3 months here, live off the proceeds for the other 9 months then grow grapes, olives, almonds and fat !)
As you all seem to realize, I am fairly set on the CDS2, subject to lots of auditioning, but as I don't have access to my listening room till October, (yeah, me wait till then - hmmm)
So, what do stands do that a solid concrete shelf won't ?
And, thanks to all who take the time to help !
Posted on: 27 June 2001 by Thomas K
i havent heard the alleas but some who heard it at bristol claim it could be better than sbl's
No no no no no no no, 'someone' is wrong! I have been hankering after new speakers for a while now (used to have Credos), which is why I was a good boy and directed my entire attention towards the allaes at the Frankfurt show two weeks ago, playing at the end of CDSII/52/Super/500/Fraim. While they’re a good enough speaker (and quite yummy-looking too) I didn’t think the difference to the Credos was big enough – not at the end of those electronics, in any case.
The SBLs are much better! I would say that, though, since I bought a pair an hour ago. Whoopee!!
[This message was edited by Thomas K on THURSDAY 28 June 2001 at 13:49.]