Why not just let it sit in a run-out groove for a few days -- it's worked for me, don't think there's any real risk. Someone else feel free to correct me if this is dangerous -- and soon -- as I will no doubt do just that with my next incoming.
I have always done this too. Some cartridges seem to take ages to break in, and others are fine pretty much from the word go. My current MC25FL took ages before it really started to work, and its still improving now (I guess its had about 100 hours now, much of that in the run-off groove). I would advise using an old or unloved record, as the cartridge does carve the run-off groove a little, and I would be a little concerned about where the vinyl deposits ended up if I had not got a record cleaner.
I would guess that sibilance is not really something that will be massively cured by cartridge burn in, for me what improves is openness, clarity, groove, and feel. New cartridges often sound small and really uninvolving. Sibilance is usually a factor of misalignment, incorrect tracking weight, VTA or anti-skate. I would check all these parameters carefully. IIRC the Ittok aligns correctly with a standard two point protractor with the null points at 66 and 121mm. Linn make a protractor. I hate to say this, but don't assume that your dealer has got things right, I have come across many turntables where the dealer fitted cartridge is way out of alignment. It certainly does no harm to double check things anyway.