Wish to upgrade

Posted by: Reto D on 03 October 2002


How fast do you wish to upgrade? Do the time gaps between the upgrades increase or decrease when looking back to the whole upgrade path that you've done so far? Of course the amount of money you need to do the next step increases generally and therefore the necessary time to save the money.

What I mean is the wish to go one step further (something like a "I can't wait any longer").

My theory is:
1) increasing: not a good sign, ugrading should improve your satisfaction with your system and you should be more patient..

2) decreasing: very good, you start to really enjoy your system...

3) Naim prefers point 1.(that could also mean that
the more you come close to the top, the more genious the products are.

What's your experience?


CDX-XPS, NAC102, NAPSC, Hi-Cap, NAP 250, Naim Fraim, Chord Odysee 4, ProAc Response 2.5
Posted on: 03 October 2002 by NB
I generally like to upgrade about once a year. I find it gives me time to apprecaite my system and recover my bank balance.

I have just purchased an XPS for my CDX and will take a few months enjoying it. I suppose when you become unhappy with your system too quickly then you have made the wrong purchase.


Posted on: 03 October 2002 by Andrew Randle
I propose an experiment. You send me a suitable quantity of cash, and I'll see how often I'll find the need to upgrade.

OK, I'll blow it all in one go, and therefore the frequency of expenditure will be low... there... all in the name of science smile


Andrew Randle
Linn Binn Sinner