Naim NACA5

Posted by: Nuno Baptista on 05 June 2002

Today my dealer borrow me a Naim NACA5.This cables are great!The bass is controled,the midranges are good.Now my speakers have attack ,this cable give to speakers a very fast sound!Amazing!Comments? razz
Posted on: 05 June 2002 by Steve B

It's your imagination mate, all cables sound the same.

Steve B
Posted on: 05 June 2002 by Steve B
razz razz
Posted on: 05 June 2002 by Nuno Baptista
You must be kidding!This cables are fabulous!Please save to you this type of comments!Foruns and threats like mine help new Naim users to build his sistems!Foruns menbers helped me and i´m trying to do the same!With this cables I can ear really music! wink
Posted on: 05 June 2002 by Steve B
Who's Stewart Pinkerton?

Steve B
Posted on: 05 June 2002 by John Sheridan
Nuno, o Steve nao era serio.
Posted on: 05 June 2002 by Nuno Baptista
It was a joke!of corse !BTW this cables is coming better and better! wink
Posted on: 05 June 2002 by Andrew Randle
Who's Stewart Pinkerton

That name takes me back to when I contributed to years ago.

Let's just say we didn't see eye-to-eye...


Andrew Randle
Currently in the "Linn Binn"
Posted on: 05 June 2002 by Andrew Randle
Having said that, Stewart did jump to my defence against this "idiot".

This was defending my argument in:

Andrew Randle
Currently in the "Linn Binn"
Posted on: 05 June 2002 by Steve B

Yes of course I was only kidding. Naca5 is great stuff and cheap.

Mind you, I still find it hard to believe it takes time to run in.

Steve B
Posted on: 05 June 2002 by Nuno Baptista
How many time to burn in Naca5?a week,two weeks,a month?Can you be more specific?This cables just plays to sound experiences my dealer wink
Posted on: 05 June 2002 by Rico
a good couple of weeks in my experience, from new.

Rico - SM/Mullet Audio
Posted on: 05 June 2002 by Nuno Baptista
OK Rico!a couple of weeks
BTW,This are a good cables but they got better perfomance in a all Naim sistem I think !
Posted on: 05 June 2002 by Nuno Baptista
What happens today with me?ear this fantastic cables? wink
Posted on: 05 June 2002 by Chris Dolan

Was it only me who lamented the USA victory today against Portugal - it certainly messed up my forecast!


PS NACA5 - I wouldn't be without it.
Posted on: 05 June 2002 by Nuno Baptista
Ah I see
I didn´t see the game because I was thinking it was at 12.00 and when I turn on the TV Portugal was loosing for 3-2!But I see some resume and I think that our problem is our goal keeper,Vítor Baia,this guy don´t play for two years and our coach send him to the team instead Ricardo mad
Well and Figo is not in good shape but I think now is too late for us!Corea is playing at home
and is a very hard adversary! roll eyes But who knows? wink
Posted on: 06 June 2002 by Dr. Exotica
The most annoying thing is that 99.99% of Americans don't even have a clue what just took place. The majority of them were watching an "Ally McBeal" re-run (or that neo-adolescent favourite "Buffy"). Until that country shows proper interest and humility, they really have no place in the tournament. Maybe we can have them banned from all international sports until their government and military stop terrorising the world?

You are quite correct, 99.99% of Americans could care less about the World Cup (myself included <yawn> ). However, if people in other countries do care, more power to them. I am sure they have a complementary level of interest in the Super Bowl or the NBA Finals.

Your keen geopolitical insight is amusing. Deep thinkers are always appreciated.

Curiously, why do you even care if the US is in the tournament in the first place? This all reeks of rampant insecurity on your part.

Posted on: 06 June 2002 by Derek Wright
and you might help educate a few people to the left of the pond that the world (as in Series) does not end at Big Sur and only stretch to Martha's Vineyard


This is thread drift of an amazing order
Posted on: 06 June 2002 by Joe Petrik
The majority of them were watching an "Ally McBeal" re-run (or that neo-adolescent favourite "Buffy")...

Buffy's on at 5 a.m. EDT? Cool, which channel?

Posted on: 06 June 2002 by Nuno Baptista
If you´ve got a all Naim amplification why not use Naca5?and believe me this cables are really good!Better and better every day I listen it!They are burning in my sistem,but for the monmey I will buy it ,just FANTASTIC! big grin BTW, I don´t know about Exposure cables
Posted on: 07 June 2002 by Dr. Exotica
Your comparison of the World Cup with American domestic league pro sports (that hardly anyone else on the planet plays) is not only completely absurd, but proves my point beyond a shdow of doubt.
No. You are wrong.

Soccer is a sport that few care about in the US, pro football is a sport that few care about outside the US. Pretty simple leap ... even for you.
I suppose it's the same sort of arrogance and ignorance that allows your nation, ironically enough, to continue as the dominant post-war (WW2) international terrorist.
I do enjoy reading your continuing sophmoric political analysis. Please continue.

Most "thinking" people, if confronted by the fact that EVERY other country (apart from Canada) is totally consumed with a particular event would ask themselves why their national culture is so myopic or deranged as to find it boring. This blinkered attitude also goes some way in explaining your country's shock last year to find out that much of the world hates you.
Thanks! More please.

Oh yes, it's because we don't like your democracy. Keep on listening to the idiot you elected president and watch the Coca-Cola empire crumble.
This is all quite interesting. The ramapaging insecurities displayed in your fatuous diatribe are quite painful, yet strangely entertaining to read.

BTW--aren't you the one who always rises to the defense of _Bud Light_ on this forum?
Sorry, but I have never risen to the defense of light beer. I would suggest that you read the postings on this forum a little more carefully in the future.

If I recall correctly, a little while ago you attempted to defend American "beer" by sharing some anecdote about hanging out at the beach with your drinking buddies and sipping on a refreshing can of _Schlitz Gay_ as you ogled the surfers come into shore and peel off their wet-suits.
Again, you lack of attention to detail is disturbing and rather rude (Schlitz - the beer to drink when you're drinking 15 (or more)).

Yes indeed, it's not the sort of thing I imagine a real beer-drinking man would get off on.
Someone's panties must really be in a bunch.

If you must spend your life hating America, feel free. I find it all quite sad that some people become so consumed with this hatred, rather than enjoying life, their music, their friends, their family, etc.

Have a nice weekend dude.

Posted on: 07 June 2002 by Nigel Cavendish
[QUOTEYou must have confused me with someone else--I'll probably be cheering on Argentina tomorrow, given Sven's decision to exclude his most talented played from the English side. ] [/QUOTE]

one-nil, one-nil, one-nil, one-nil etc.



Posted on: 07 June 2002 by Dr. Exotica
The fact that you continue to assert that it's perfectly reasonable to place the USA on equal footing with the entire rest of the world simply reiterates my point about your nation's arrogance and stupidity. We'd call that an "own goal" over here.

Stealing a terrific concept from Art Dudley of Listener, you need a bunny in a big way.

Posted on: 07 June 2002 by plynnplynn
Certain members who have posted messages in this thread should reflect on the value and objectivity of their comments. Do we really need to have such negativity in the comments in this Forum?
Posted on: 07 June 2002 by Eric Barry
Originally posted by Vuk Vuksanovic:
"Dr. Exotica"

Your comparison of the World Cup with American domestic league pro sports (that hardly anyone else on the planet plays) is not only completely absurd, but proves my point beyond a shdow of doubt. I suppose it's the same sort of arrogance and ignorance that allows your nation, ironically enough, to continue as the dominant post-war (WW2) international terrorist. Most "thinking" people, if confronted by the fact that EVERY other country (apart from Canada) is totally consumed with a particular event would ask themselves why their national culture is so myopic or deranged as to find it boring.

Vuk, you're smart enough to know about path dependence, and apply that concept to why various cultural proclivities (like taste for sports) might vary arbitrarily? I don't think most "thinking" people would assume that just because more people watch one sport than the other, that that has anything to do with its inherent value.

And anyway American football and basketball are both much better games and much more interesting games than soccer or its Canadian derivative, hockey. And I have a rationale for this assertion--a standard for what makes an interesting game that is inherent to the game itself. (Yes I'm taking the piss here.)

And besides, I think most leftists would eschew sports altogether, especially in such a romantic/nationalist/capitalist forum as World Cup or the Olympics. Probably the only team in all of sports that a revolutionary can root for and keep his cred is the publically-owned Green Bay Packers.


This blinkered attitude also goes some way in explaining your country's shock last year to find out that much of the world hates you. Oh yes, it's because we don't like your democracy. Keep on listening to the idiot you elected president and watch the Coca-Cola empire crumble.

Vuk, I sense that I am probably as big a critic of global capitalism and the "pax Americana" as anyone here on the forum including you. However I think you are being a complete asshole in how you deal with it and you seem quite blinkered in how you understand it. It is not the fault of the people of America that the world is how it is. We were born into an existing world just like you were. Americans by and large are no more stupid and parochial than anyone else in the world. Many people at all levels of society outside of America want nothing more than to get their piece of the pie and live like an American or in America. Your elitist attitude towards people in general and Americans in particular makes it seem that you would more likely show up on the side of fascists than on the side of any robust democratic or socialist movement.

Your hate for us is petty and crude and misplaced. The lords of capital don't give a sh*t where the center of the economy is located. They have moved happily from Venice to Florence to Antwerp to Amsterdam to London to New York, and they will move again the next time a new power asserts global military dominance (but depending, of course, on the cooperation of the military-industrial complex and the compliance of global finance). The lords of capital do exactly the same things in each place and case (modulated by available technology and the form of government--though capital is always really calling the shots) and will do again. And it is not just America's (or Americans) fault that this happens. You might as well blame the rest of the world for too--wasn't it Lenin who told us that revolution would have to be global? The US army is not powerful enough to contain world revolution.

Stop whining and being obnoxious to good-hearted Americans in a public forum and tell me why you are watching soccer (and rooting for colonial powers over their former colonies to boot--GO ENGLAND, GO DUTCH) instead of writing an explanation of what we, as American Naimies, should be doing to mollify the world, or writing to President Bush, or stockpiling small arms for armed revolution, or whatever.

As far as the effects of an American decline on Canada (and thus you)--if the first 50 floors in a building fall, the 51st is probably in trouble too.

Unemployed and cranky
And I already got my bunny from Arrt hissel

[This message was edited by Eric Barry on SATURDAY 08 June 2002 at 15:40.]
Posted on: 07 June 2002 by mykel
Baseball, Hockey and Basketball are all Canadian.
( or more accurately are derivatives of games played by native peoples on the Canadian side of the parallel.)

But then again, who really cares... Most of the players are just a bunch of over-paid whiners anyway. Seems that the more money you make the less you have to WORK.
