Allae Review

Posted by: Tim Williams on 20 March 2002

What mag / issue was the recent(ish) review of the Allae in?

Can anyone e-mail me a copy or suggest a link to a transcript of it on the web?

Posted on: 20 March 2002 by David Dever
Feb Hi-Fi World (U.K.), cover shot!
Posted on: 22 March 2002 by Steve Toy
The Allaes are fantastic speakers, but they do need the minimum of a CDX/180 or a 250 to really work properly.

If I had the funds, I'd replace my Naos' with them tomorrow.

My Densen B300 amp would certainly have no problem with driving them as well as a 250 could!

I'd really like this "sandwich" of Naim source, Densen amps and Naim Allaes - the synergy should be perfect!



The proof of the pudding...