Yet another speaker question. But mine is relatively specific: Anyone have any experience with the Intro IIs?
Posted by: Todd A on 02 February 2001
Anyway, I can spend up to around $2000 (about £1000 after tariffs and markups). Problem is, most of the speakers I really want cost more that that. The new MA GR 20s cost about $3500. Can’t get those. Sonus Fabers cost too much, and, quite frankly, I don’t like the new drivers as much and I noticed that the company is cutting costs by remaking the cabinets with a little less walnut. That blows the WAF. Vienna Acoustics sound a little too warm, though the price for the Bachs is right ($1500). I’ve contemplated some ProAcs – namely the Repsonse 1 SCs or Tablette 2000s, both of which I rather like – and I may be able to get a sweet deal on a pair of MA Studio 6s (probably around $1600 with glossy Rosewood – very high WAF), but these would essentially give me (maybe) a little more of what I already have: great detail and transient response, but not as much scale and oomph as I would like longer term.
So, based on what’s available in my area – and I will not make full day- or weekend trips to hear something that may or may not be better than what is available where I live – I may have boiled it down to the Intro IIs or Joseph Audio RM22si Signatures. To be certain, the Josephs are more round earth than the Naim, but they do everything I want very well and they fit in my budget. My concern here is mostly about the Intro IIs. Has anyone here listened to these long term and formed an opinion on their relative strengths and weaknesses? Would they be good speakers for me? (I do plan on a lengthy in-store demo this weekend and an in-home demo in the next few weeks.)
Of course, this depends on what I want, right? Well, I value PRaT, clarity, detail, and transient response the most. I must emphasize that speed is very, very important to me. I want to add scale and some bass extension, as well. The other hi-fi attributes – you know, “imaging,” ”soundtstaging,” etc – would be nice, but they are definitely not as important. And what I buy must be a two-way. I have yet to hear a three way costing less than about five grand that does it for me. So, do the Intro IIs sound like a good fit for my CD3.5 / Nait 5 / FlatCap2 rig, or is there something I am missing.
(Now some of you may recall a post I made a few months back stating that there are better speakers than the NBLs for less money, including some of the speakers I mentioned above. I still stand by that statement, but I also must bow to Financial Reality in my next purchase.)