where to fit 2 Hi-Caps

Posted by: Boz on 10 March 2002

I have just bought a "matching" hi-cap to my existing one on e-bay as an investment towards a future upgrade I am planning later in the year when I go for a 82/250 or 82/180.

In the meantime I'd like to put it to some use and want to know if I can get any performance upgrade from my current system by adding it to my 92/Hi/90.3 amp set-up.

If so where does it go and which imput, I don't have my 92 instruction manual so don't know if you can use 2 Hi-caps like you can with an 82

Any ideas ? eek

Posted on: 10 March 2002 by garyi
You can't put two hi caps on a 92, sell it to me cheaply instead.
Posted on: 10 March 2002 by calum scott
Think Gary's got it right. Just happen to have my manual on the desk in front of me. The 82 is the only pre that can use 2 Hicaps.

Guess you'll just have to go get an 82. Got mine for christmas and love it to bits.



Posted on: 10 March 2002 by calum scott
to say that you'll be able to download the manual from the main web-site.

"Owners Manuals now available for download

You can now download a selection of the latest Owner's Manuals in PDF format from this site. You'll find links to those that are currently available in the "Products" section. Look on the "Introduction" pages for manuals covering more than one product - Pre-amplifiers, for example."


Posted on: 10 March 2002 by billyj
Hello Callum,
I am from Aberdeenshire, I guess your dealer is Robert Ritchie? Regards
Posted on: 10 March 2002 by calum scott
I'm in Aberdeen actually guess you're in the Broch eh. (guessing from the email address)

I'm sure there are a few more of Robert's customers lurking around on the forum

Robert's the man. Haven't been down since the beginning of the year but spent a few trips there October, November time when I had the upgraditis. Splashed out on Fraims and 82 hi-cap.

Have you been down recently? I spoke to him a couple of weeks ago re the Allae and he was expecting to get some in so I might pop down and hear those.

See your profile is about as helpful as mine!



Posted on: 10 March 2002 by jcc

If either of your two hicaps are anywhere near the 'magic' age of 8 years, now would be a great time to get them serviced by Naim. A hicap past due for service will be very evident with a 82.
And a 92 also...
