I've not heard the CD3, but the bare 3.5 is too intense for my tastes. It focuses very much on Pace, Rhythm and Timing (PRaT), to the exclusion of other important things like tonal finesse, etc. It's just too harsh. Add an external Flat-Cap, though, and it's a very nice player. In contrast, I would say that the bare CD5 is as desirable as a 3.5/Flat (although not the same). When you add the Flat-Cap2 to the CD5, it sounds almost as good as a 3.5/Hi.
I'm not a big fan of the 72. I find it a bit wooly and lacking in detail. The 112 is a much better pre-amp. It also really needs an external Hi-Cap, while the 112 is "OK" on it's own.
I'm a big fan of the 140. Although the 150 is a bit better amp, it's not hugely improved. I tend to focus less on power amps, though, since the source and pre-amp make much more difference to the overall performance.
-=> Mike Hanson <=-