New Condensers

Posted by: quincy on 17 October 2001


It pains me to leave the forum but the 110s and Hicap are in the RV and I'm heading off for a while to Colorado to take the eyes out of some Stellar's jays at 100 yards with the Super 10.

Svelte Dave is going to fit the 110s and Hicap with new condensers.

What else could a man desire ... the Rockies in the fall, cool Coors and anthrax spores driftin' on the breeze.

Now that we are on the subject of anthrax and the growing paranoia surrounding the mailshots ... can I leave you with a reassuring thought?

You could be treading on anthrax spores everyday of your lives especially if you live close to a tanning factory.

I had to visit my physician several years ago with a rather delicate personal problem and he told me that he had diagnosed anthrax in the patient that had just left the room. Naturally I was shocked but he reassured me that it was not a contagion and that the cutaneous variety is easily treated with antibiotics.

Apologies for infecting the HiFi Corner.

Yours etc etc


Posted on: 17 October 2001 by Steve B
It pains me to leave the forum but the 110s and Hicap are in the RV and I'm heading off for a while to Colorado to take the eyes out of some Stellar's jays at 100 yards with the Super 10.

I wish I knew what all that meant, but have a nice time anyway.

Steve B

Posted on: 18 October 2001 by Manu
Capacitors not condensers
Condensers are units for air conditioners or fridges. No necessity to cool down your Hi and 110.
