
Posted by: andrew mcmullins on 06 August 2002

Yesterday I got a new (well new to me) pair of 135s to replace my 140.

I know some will say that things are now a bit unbalanced but when I got my 72/140 the 72 was the top of the range and the 135s were as well so it must have been valid then. Anyway defence aside the initial indication are very impressive (an even bigger improvement than adding the hi-cap to the 72 last year).

The IBLs have always been a bit hard to drive and the 135s give a lot more control. The thing which I noticed most (I was listening this morning after giving them 8 hours to warm up) was that there was a lot more low level information coming through as well as the expected improvement in bottom end performance.

The 140 is going into the cupboard until I buy a new house where it and the 72 (when I replace it) will go into a second system.

Anyway I'm pleased with the improvement but I'll need more rack space as I've now run out.

Posted on: 06 August 2002 by Mick P

Flog the 72 and 140 and buy a 82 and Hicap.

That really will transform your system.


Posted on: 06 August 2002 by Simon Jenkins
Come on Mick, anybody competing for the place of Naim Forum king should know that you need a hi-cap or power supply of some sort to use 135's.

I think you should be demoted to Serie B now.
Posted on: 06 August 2002 by andrew mcmullins
I'm sure da man knows that and I presume he means a 2nd hi-cap as I'd have to have one already.


I will get the 82 / cap once I get the racking sorted out. Having looked at the forum all I know is that you ask 3 forum people their opinion on racks and you will get 5 favourites.

Sorry to the mana people but it ain't in the running cause the wife said 'You could build something like that ...' I haven't wielded a welding torch in anger for 10 years now ...