which amp for a Proac studio 125?
Posted by: alexandre Taithe on 02 April 2001
i think nearly bought new speakers: Proac studio 125.
My system is Nait 3/ Hicap, CD 3.5/flatcap.
the Nait works well, but may be a little short with the Proac.
I don't want change all my system before many (few?) years, and i want keep an equilibre (?)(peharps a préamp).
I was offered a 140 or a cheap 180 (the difference is small, about 300£).
Two men who were Naim dealer (5 years ago), said that the 140, on the Proac 125, was enought, more musical(?), and that the 180 is cleaner, but a little dry, and it gives too many bass with the 125 . And the Proac importator said the best result with the 125 is Two 140, better than a 180; he tried it himself. Those opinions are interesting because they now stop to sell hifi.
But two naim's dealer in activity said the opposite : the 180 will be far better with any speakers (but they can't sell me a nap 140, they only have 180...).
Does sommeone know (or try) the better amp with the 125?
and last question, can we hear the difference between the old 140 (before 1992) and the 140 with the naim output transistors (since 1992)?
thanks for yours advices (and sorry for my english)