What Next?

Posted by: Darren Cotter on 23 September 2002


I'd like your view on my next upgrade. My system is currently : Lp12/Lingo/Ittok/17D2, CDI, 82/Hi-Hi/250 & SBL's.

I've got three options on Ex-Dem equipment.

1. Supercap (Money left Over)
2. 52/Supercap (That's it!)
3. 135's. (A bit of money left over)

Also, and here's the potential problem, is the possibility (Just) of 135's + Super.

So, please let me know what you think.


Darren Cotter

P.S. If I go for options 1 or 3, I could get a Prefix for the LP12 as I have a spare Hi-Cap.

[This message was edited by Darren Cotter on MONDAY 23 September 2002 at 20:02.]

[This message was edited by Darren Cotter on MONDAY 23 September 2002 at 21:39.]
Posted on: 23 September 2002 by Phil Barry
Can you listen to this equipment to hear what you like best?

Off hand, I'd think the 135s + s'cap are very attractive. With the 552, you ought to be able to pick up a 52 a good deal cheaper in a few months....

Posted on: 23 September 2002 by Darren Cotter

We don't have a Linn dealer in Jersey, so the idea of a "setup free" deck is a good one.

Has anyone done the dem on the same system?


Darren Cotter
Posted on: 24 September 2002 by Rockingdoc
the 82 to 52 upgrade is the nobrainer.
Posted on: 29 September 2002 by NB

If it was my system, I would go for the Supercap first and then I would look to the New NAP 300 power Amp.

The only reservation I would have is then whether the CD1 and the Linn are up to it.
