New 135's or old 72/250 Which would you buy?

Posted by: Ian R on 19 May 2002

If you were thinking of upgrading to a second hand 72/250 system would you opt to buy new a new 135 etc instead it only seems to cost ... well say £400 more. Maybe even a s/h 135 set up but i hardly see them for sale here in Scotland.

For use with isobariks and LP12 (i hardly have a cd player yet.)

Opinions please as I will be planning appropriate moves soon
Posted on: 19 May 2002 by Steve B
Hi Ian,

How can you hardly have a CD player? Either you've got one or you haven't!

By the way you need 2x135's for stereo, or have I missed something.

Steve B
Posted on: 19 May 2002 by Charlezz
i don't understand your question?
What is your system? What do you intend to buy?
Nap135 for 400£ ???? of course buy it!!!
If you don't want it, i'll take it!!!
But verify they are in good condition first.


[This message was edited by Charlezz on SUNDAY 19 May 2002 at 20:13.]
Posted on: 19 May 2002 by Ian R
Ok I'll rephrase ( er.. phase man rephase!)

Say you were going to spend 1200 pounds on a preamp/poweramp upgrade what options would you choose

I only have a cd recorder to burn some vinly
( vinly surely shome mistake?) vinyl into cd's for the car or gifts etc. So I dont really have a cd player just 300 albums a few of which have old small burnholes in them !

So put those references in your pipe and smoke em.

Seriously I'd like to hear more of the consensus as to what options My Brariks are DMS passives or will be when I get my reconed B110's glooped back in place.

I'll post those developments when they happen.

Posted on: 20 May 2002 by Frank Abela

I still don't understand. A 135 is a monoblock amp - you'd need 2 to run your Briks. That would cost around £3900. A 2nd hand 72/hicap/250 should cost (if only a year old say) £2500. The difference is around £1400, not £400...

135s will control your Briks beautifully, but if your preamp isn't up to the task, then you will be squandering a great deal of their performance. That said, if you're in a big room (say 25ft square), then you may need the extra oomph to drive them.

If you could describe every part of the system as it currently stands we'd be in a better position to help.

All opinions are my own and do not reflect the opinion of any organisations I work for, except where this is stated explicitly.
Posted on: 20 May 2002 by Ian R
Well the system as of now is 42/110 ( about to be 140'd and serviced ) LP12/ittok mk2/ortofon
and the bricks. I have a window to get an upgrade of about 1200 pounds in the next month or so. I'm not selling the above set up.

I can get a 72 (well ... eventually maybe with forum help??) and a 250. or believe it or not a ( ie one ) 135 plus a 72 ( as above for the same amount ie 1200) dont ask why or how it just seems normal that in my blithe ignorance thats a deal availble to me ( i didnt know to offer more so I offerred what I HAD) I also didnt know it was a monoblock so Im a monoblok myself .... clearly. I am recovering from hifi interuptus of 20 years.Thats why r Im very interested interested in recomendations as to what Naim kit to buy for this dosh. I dont mind second hand at all at all.

I do feel Im not buying another arm unless at a splendid price. my future efforts will go towards the cd end of things.

I can sell a pair of Saras in great nick visually and wear wise but also circa 1983 models to raise funds but I guess thats only likely to be £400 max ..... at a optimistic guess.

I can deliver them personally Sth ie London if necessary hence the price. However I thought someone might like to give em good home.

So I hope this elicits more input

I thank you

Posted on: 20 May 2002 by Phil Barry
Better great mono than lousy stereo!

Except that a 72/hi/250 is great stereo....

IMO,of course. Also of course, the 135s may be way better than a 250, but if you replace the 42/110 with a 72/hi/250, you're likely to be very happy for a long time.

OTOH, a 72/hi/1 x 135 will allow you to really distinguish yourself during cocktail parties with audiophiles....

Posted on: 20 May 2002 by Eric Barry
The money you will realize from selling the unused brik.

Posted on: 20 May 2002 by Ian R
I have some recordings of Pablo Casals all in mono, Beethoven Cello Concerto's. To tell you the truth I hardly even register they are mono,

"Very interesting Mr Bond"

However theres a distinct lack of audiofiles in my life.... in fact you lot are it I guess. maybe Mr Pig and I can meet one day we live 30 miles apart max he has manna from heaven I understand......

I thought 72/250 was the way to go but this other deal is possible.... now I know why (good grief what a lapse of concentration) splendiferrous Mono Mana Maniac

Posted on: 21 May 2002 by Frank Abela
OK, now that's cleared up, here are some options in no real order of preference...

Option 1:
A 250 (or higher) can't drive a preamp so if that was chosen you'd have to buy a power supply as well. You could buy a 250 and power supply (preferrably hicap) for less than £1200 and use your 42 until you can afford a 72, which would round off things nicely.

Option 2:
Buy an older amp overall, such as a 32.5/hicap/250 for £1200. This'll be about 15 years old and the power amp will probably need recapping, although that can happen when funds permit.

Option 3:
You could go for a 72/180 for £1200 (the 180 is the biggest power amp that'll drive a preamp). This would be a significant improvement over what you have now, but the 180 is not a 250, which has real synergy with briks. Then when funds permit, you could get a hicap and later swap the 180 for a similarly priced 250. In a sense this is my least favoured option, but in reality it's probably just as good as the others I've mentioned.

All opinions are my own and do not reflect the opinion of any organisations I work for, except where this is stated explicitly.
Posted on: 26 May 2002 by Ian R
dear Mark Russell and Frank and all

many thanks for the succinct recommendations. I like the gradualist approach ie maybe 72 then get the choosen amp. I feel a 250 is the one to go for precisely because of the synergy vibe. In the end it will perhaps depend on what kit comes up in my geographical region.... of course this include the whole UK but primarily I mean Scotland.

I thought Id email the likely shop/dealers and announce my interest. We have some dealers with excellent reputations including a Hi Fi New award winner Robert Ritche who was also dealer of the year a few years back. Sadly he's the furthest away up in Montrose. However theres always the forum members!

I should really have been able to work your tips out myself... but I had difficulty grasping the fact that the basic topend amps are still the 250 and 135 that were around when i bought my present kit over 20 years ago.... amazingly. There truly are many reasons to be grateful to Mr Julian, God bless him.

After a hiatus around a funeral I will catch up on my emails to all who have written to me privately soon

Ian Ramsey