The Unmentioned Rack
Posted by: jimlevitt on 24 October 2001
In all the discussions of racks over the past couple of years, one model is conspicuous by its absence: the Townshend Seismic Sink Stand. It's readily available in the UK, gets great reviews whenever any of the mags give it a listen - even in group sessions against some of the usual suspects. Townshend's rack isolates all the components placed on it through the use of an air-bladder system, supposedly all the way down to 2Hz. This is very different from the usual "spike it" approach.
Has anyone tried the Townshend Stand? Not the one-item Seismic Sink, mind you, but the four or five tier stand? If so, how does it stack up in musical or sonic terms against the Fraim/Mana/Quadraspire/Hutter/Isoblue/Base/Sound Org/Target etc, etc?
Please, let's try to keep this civil, boys...