Posted by: steved on 11 September 2002

My current system is CDX, 112/150, Linn Keilidh.

I am considering replacing the Keilidh. Budget is probably £2k maximum.

I would be grateful for suggestions. I like most types of music apart from classical.

Also, how much could I expect for the Keilidhs in part-ex (around 7 years old, black, with plinths and 2*10m lengths of Linn biwire cable).


Posted on: 11 September 2002 by Chris Metcalfe
I replaced mine with Dynaudio Contour 1.8/IIs, after extensive trials with my 82/250 including SBLs and admittedly not-run-in Allaes. I found the Dynaudios more suited to my taste but the Allaes may be easier to drive and therefore more satisfying in your system. I wouldn't mind a pair as a backup but haven't got the house-room!

I got £300 for my Ks + plinths, and that after extensive advertising. Don't expect much more - they are discontinued, after all.
Posted on: 11 September 2002 by Not For Me
I upgraded mine to Kabers, just like big Keilidhs!

S/h kabers go for about £600 - £700, s/h Keilidhs £250-£300.


ITC Psychic TC - Roman P
Posted on: 11 September 2002 by MarkEJ
Isn't around £2k about the price of an XPS? That would upgrade the Keilidhs, for sure. And the 112, the 150...



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forum environment is
better than none)
Posted on: 11 September 2002 by kan man
Replace the Linn bi-wire for single wire NACA5. This totally transformed a CDX/102/180/Keilidh system I'm familiar with. Borrow some from your dealer and try it. Then borrow an XPS...

Posted on: 12 September 2002 by steved
To Kan Man

Thanks for the comment on NACA5. I'd originally thought to do this at the same time as new speakers, but I now think I'll do it first.

Posted on: 12 September 2002 by woodface
I replaced keilidhs with Sbls but in your case I would look at the pre/power first.
Posted on: 12 September 2002 by ari
I agree with Woodface. The SBL's are very good, and they are running with a Nap 150. The Keilidhs need at least a Nap 180, better a Nap 250, but then they are making really good music.
Posted on: 12 September 2002 by Eric Barry
Without getting a hicap first. And then I'd spend the rest of the 2k on a stageline and an LP12.

Posted on: 16 September 2002 by Will_Dias

The CDX/102/180/Keilidh system that K-Man talks about, that's mine, that is. He's right, dump the Linn cable and get some A5. I was playing round with the idea of upgrading my speakers, but I don't feel the need any more. Make sure to double terminate the speaker end, so that the A5 takes the place of the bi-wire socket connection plates.


Posted on: 16 September 2002 by steved
Thanks for all your advice. I bought some NACA5 cable at the weekend, and will install it tonight or tomorrow.

Will review the speaker situation in a few weeks.