Pre-amp 92 upgrade to 82 or similar ?

Posted by: Boz on 19 February 2002

I currently have a nac92 (converted Nait3) which I run with nap 90.3 powered by old style Hi-Cap and use a CDX and a Rega P3

I am now thinking of upgrading my preamp but not sure which way to go, my first though would be to a nac82 and perhaps in time add another Hi-Cap but should I be looking at any of the new style Naim pre's (102 or 112)??
(52 is out of question at moment as can't afford the supercap too)

The big thing is that due to budget I would have to keep the 90.3 running into the 82 for the time being eventually upgrading to 180 or even 250, would it be worth the upgrade or am I better to upgrade pre and power together ?

Would forum members also agree that until I get an additional power amp it probably isn't worth adding an XPS to my system ??

By the way I run with Naim speaker cable in Royd Abbots which I love.

what is best to upgrade first ???

Posted on: 19 February 2002 by garyi
The 102 is really a very capable amp.

I placed it in my system with a 90.3 and flat cap and the difference in sound will bowl you over, I promise.

The amp sounds twice as powerful and vinyl can actually be listened to which I never really rated through the 92 I had.

Well worth a HOME demo.

Posted on: 19 February 2002 by Phil Barry
Can the '92' be reconverted to a Nait 3? If so, I think it would be more valuable as trade or on the used market.

With a hicap, a 72, 102, or 82 would be huge improvements over a 92; a 32 or 32.5 may be a huge improvement, too.

If you can buy a new 82, you've got the cash to choose a number of options in the near term, especially if you sell your current equipment - 72/140 and a lot of music, 102/180, 72/102 with used 250...too many combinations to mention here.

Bottom line, you need to get some demonstrations.



Posted on: 20 February 2002 by Boz
Someone has already suggested I do the upgrade in stages and go for a nac102 (I already have a hi-cap) as the next move, perhaps moving to a 82 and aditional hi-cap when funds allow and also upgrading to a 140/180/250

I am going to be OK running the nap90.3 with a nac102 (is it a balanced option?) would this upgrade be worthwhile (in terms of improved sound/detail) over sticking with my 92/90.3 + Hi-cap combo ?

Any ideas what I should be looking to pay in GBP for a second-hand 102 ??

Any comments gratefully received.........

Posted on: 20 February 2002 by Scott Mckenzie
A second hand 102 should be around £7-800 I would have thought, an 82 about £11-1200...

IIRC the Nait 3 to NAC92 conversion still leaves the power amp section inside the amplifier, so basically you end up with a Nait which needs to be powered by a *cap.

I could of course be talking a load of tosh here...


Posted on: 20 February 2002 by garyi
As I said earlier the sound difference is night and day. The 102 is a major improvement over the 92, this is no put down of the 92 by any means.

It worked fine for me (102/90) however this is at resonably low volumes, 10 probably being the loudest I could tolerate in my room.

I now have a 180 connected and again the difference is mind blowing.

Posted on: 20 February 2002 by Tristram

You may want to consider changing both at the same time, as the 92/90 combo will be easier to sell or trade together. tw

Posted on: 20 February 2002 by Bas V
When I swapped my 92+FC for a 102+Hi+psc the effect was enormous. Later on I swapped my 90/3 for a 180 and didn't find it that big a difference at all. I am however using Intro's, maybe not the most of demanding speakers.

Anyway, a 102+90/3 should work great!

Greetz, Bas

Posted on: 20 February 2002 by Name
My advice would be change the nait back to an integrated and sell, go for a second hand 102 plus NAPSC and then tack the hicap onto the end of the 102 napsc combo with a black snaic of course!...and keep that NAPSC well clear of the rest of your rig i.e. the length of the long cords.
Then sit down and smile for a long while, I've gone from a 92 to 102 NAPSC and hicap the differences aren't subtle..more of what you love in the nait and better. Then perhaps going for a second hand Nap 180 (the 102 and 180 is a great combo).
Posted on: 21 February 2002 by Boz
Sorry to be such a novice but can you clarify what the following actually do !

SNAIC (and what is the difference between Black and Grey ?)

I would use my Hi-Cap to power the 102 are you saying I need one of these NAPSC too I didn't know you could use both, if I just use the Hi-Cap would that be OK ?



Posted on: 21 February 2002 by garyi
The NAPSC is a small device which powers the digital circuits in the 102 the idea being that digital and analouge don't like each other and therefore should be powered seperatly. It therefore follows that should you choose you can power the bulk of the 102 from the hi cap and power the digital ciruits from the NAPSC, or any combination of this.

On the far right of the back of the 102 as you look at it is a plastic cap with an 'arm' This is where the NAPSC plugs in. You would therefore require two plug sockets one for the hicap one for the NAPSC.

No you don't 'need' either.

The snaic is the extra 5 pin lead (I think!) you require in order to use the hi cap, the black snaic is newer and apparently better, I again will stick my neck out and say I couldn't tell the difference.

Posted on: 21 February 2002 by Boz
thanks for your comments everyone I think I now have to decide based on posts and looking through the forum:

Option 1:
102/90.3 - Hi-cap (poss napsc) and convert 92 back to Nait 3 and sell

Option 2:
92/180 (or even 250) + Hi-cap (this was my dealers recommendation as they think the 92 with a hi-cap is pretty good and I should look to sell the 90.3, they tell me this would make a major difference, sounds a bit power heavy to me but I'll have a listen)

Option 3:
stick with what I have and (92/90.3 + hi-cap)and upgrade pre and power together when funds allow to a 82/180 or 250 (would look out for s/h) this would I guess be a massive jump sonically.

I've seen a couple of 72/140 combo's for sale on loot at about £700 and as I have a hi-cap that could also be an option, the forum members seem to like the 72 as it used to be Naim's most expensive pre prior to 82 and 52, my brother has this set up with Rega Elas and it sounds great.

I think I'll audion options 1) and 2) first and take any comments about the 72/140 option into my thinking.

Once again thanks for your contributions


Ps are all nap160's in the old black and silver style (like my hi-cap) or did they do them in the green style later ?

Posted on: 21 February 2002 by redeye
Boz hang on a minute

Please listen......
If your dealer suggests a 92/180 combination then he needs his arse kicking...Hard.

I own a 92/180 and believe me tis a pig! The pre-amp is where you must put the money mate. The 92 isn't nearly good enough to front that power amp.
I'm currently working on getting a 102/napsc which will hopefully do the trick wink

Don't go doesn't work mad

Posted on: 21 February 2002 by Steve G
Originally posted by Boz:

I think I'll audion options 1) and 2) first and take any comments about the 72/140 option into my thinking.

If it was me I'd be looking at 72/Hi/140 as an initial step or if the budget was really tight perhaps 32.5/Hi/140. 82/Hi/90.3 just sounds too unbalanced to me although I suppose it might be ok with undemanding speakers. In my system (with Credos) going from 90.3 to 140 was a much bigger step than 92R to 32.5.


Posted on: 21 February 2002 by garyi
I was once looking to go 'active' by getting a crossover and another 90 for my 92/90/flatcap.

I was told the best way to go was to upgrade the preamp, by someone who knew better and he was right.

I don't know for sure if keeping the 92 and getting a 250 is the way forward, I believe the more powerful amps need to be kept in check, and to that end I would suggest the first option of 102/90 for me this made a massive impact on the music, the 180 now connected can be unrurely and I shudder to think how it would behave on the end of a 92.

Just my 2 ps worth.

Posted on: 21 February 2002 by bornwina

It seems we've been in similar circumstances - I have CDX and SBL's and recently changed amplification. I was originally running NAIT 3 which I then modded to pre amp when I bought a 2nd hand NAP250 for a grand - this was a big improvement but not a quantum leap - the pre was holding things back

Converted my NAIT 3 back to integrated myself with diagram from Naim service dept (you simply unsolder and tape up wires to DIN socket and remake two wires on the power amp circuit) then flogged via e-bay for £175 when I bought a six month old NAC82 for £1,550 - I got the NAP250 serviced by naim for £170 at the same time.

Net result - truly massive leap forwards - I really suspect I am now into vastly diminishing returns with the potential future upgrade path.

My conclusion, therefore, is put the money into the pre amp first or at least audition the alternatives - also buy secondhand but bear in mind that old stuff will need servicing - if you wait you will find recent kit at the right price - I was impatient to get a hi cap recently and eventually gave up and bought new (£700) - the next week a recent super cap was on Loot for a grand - bollocks!