Room size?

Posted by: Mats on 27 June 2001

I have a question, when is a room to small for Isobariks, and when I should go for smaller ones say Linn Kan.


Posted on: 27 June 2001 by Charlezz
Some peolpe say that 25m² are the maximum for Kans and the minimum for Bariks....


Posted on: 27 June 2001 by Steve B
I used a pair of Bricks in my current listening room which is 8ft by 11ft.

When I get my DBLs they'll just about be touching each other!

I like the fact that in this room I can play loud without annoying the neighbors.

Steve B

Posted on: 27 June 2001 by Mike Hanson
When I get my DBLs they'll just about be touching each other!

I'm intrigued by this. My room is 8x12, and I figured that I wouldn't be able to use large speakers. If you're really getting DBLs in your space, make sure that you report on how they sound. I'll be reading your posts with great interest.

-=> Mike Hanson <=-

Posted on: 27 June 2001 by Steve B
Sorry Mike, I was joking about the DBLs.

It will be quite a while before I can get my hands on those.

Still, I don't think room size matters that much. In fact in my experience small rooms sound better.

Steve B

Posted on: 27 June 2001 by Steve B
Oh yes, and I used to work with a guy who had a pair of 18 inch bass units in his Ford Orion but thats another story.

Steve B