The effect of Mana in the context of the rest of your system

Posted by: Steve Toy on 12 August 2001

Posted on: 12 August 2001 by Mike Hanson
I have done the dem. My CDX and CDS2 on a Vuk-style X-Caliber are both stunningly better than my Cambridge CD6 on phase 4 (and the CD6 is better than most Japanese players that I've heard).

Mana helps in clarity, focus, distortion, definition, and a few other little things, but it doesn't transform a normal player into a great one. It just improves what's already there.

-=> Mike Hanson <=-

Posted on: 12 August 2001 by Steve Toy
Thankyou Mike!
Just what I thought!

It's always a nice day for it, have a good one wink

Posted on: 12 August 2001 by Andrew L. Weekes
At least Mana have the money back guarantee, so there's nothing to be lost.

It didn't work with my Naim gear, but works a treat with my LP12.


Posted on: 12 August 2001 by Mike Harris
About what??

Mike Harris

Posted on: 12 August 2001 by Steve Toy
Mr Pig,
Fair play old chap!
However, when the top of your kit touches the ceiling - with all those Mana stages, THEN will you consider the 82?
Surely all that high-quality equipment support is going to reveal an even greater improvement that you'd gain by swithching to the 82. I could be wrong though, as I have never tried it!

It's always a nice day for it, have a good one wink

Posted on: 12 August 2001 by Steve Toy
Mike Harris,
I don't think I've been "right" or "wrong" about anything here. Sometimes people agree with me, sometimes they don't. Most of the time folks can, at least, agree with SOME of what I say, in which case we have the requisite common ground for a lively, yet civilised discussion.
Apart from that, I failed to understand the meaning behind your above posting.

It's always a nice day for it, have a good one wink

Posted on: 13 August 2001 by Peter Gear
At least Mana have the money back guarantee, so there's nothing to be lost.

Not true in my case!!


Posted on: 13 August 2001 by Steve Toy
I meant to say that I thought that Mike was right, i.e: FWIWW, I agreed with him. Perhaps it was a bit late....(or early, I don't know which?)
I post in the early hours because I work until 4am some nights and I unwind ( eek razz big grin ) on the Forum(s).
I usually crash about 6 am.
I hope this explains things a bit.

It's always a nice day for it, have a good one wink