112/150 vs older naim electronics such as 32.5/140 or 62/140

Posted by: ken c on 26 February 2001


what are your views on how the new naim stuff 112/150 compares with 32.5/140 or 62/140, say, driving a pair of Kans, or any other compaticle speaker -- but i am primarily thinking of Kans. can add hicaps/flatcaps to either if you like --anyone actually compared??

grateful for any viewes, especially those based on actual listening.



Posted on: 26 February 2001 by Tony L
what are your views on how the new naim stuff 112/150 compares with 32.5/140 or 62/140, say, driving a pair of Kans, or any other compatible speaker

I have not heard the two compared, though my gut feeling is that they are really quite different. I recently heard the 112/150 with a CDX and Intro 2s and am very impressed with it - my only criticism of that system is that I don't really get on with the Intro's slightly over ripe bass end, but that system certainly played music very well.

The 112/150 struck me as sounding well balanced with no real areas of weakness (other than no phono stage!), whereas the limitations of a bog standard 32-5/140 are quite obvious, even though it is a great little amp and stunning value (and lets face it we are only talking about a second hand value of 350-450 UKP for this combo compared with way, way more for the new kit). The 112/150 has certainly impressed me in a way the 92/90 never did. I also suspect the CD5 is very good.

From my perspective the stock 32-5 (or 62) powered from a 140 is over warm, mushy, and quite grainy - it misses a lot of important detail though can certainly more than carry a tune. Stick 72 boards into the 32-5, get it recapped, and power it from a Hicap and it is a very different beast altogether. It would be far more interesting to compare this 72'd 32-5 / Hicap combo with the 112 as they can both be had for about the same price second hand (if you could even find a S/H 112). I have no idea which I would prefer.


Posted on: 26 February 2001 by ken c
hi tony, many thanks. i value and respect your views point as a fellow kan owner. it sounds like it would be very interesting to try out what you suggest -- i.e. a highly tuned 32.5 (with 72 boards) vs equivalent 112's. instead of spending money getting 72 boards into a 32.5, why not just get a 72?? i guess the price is such that it is still cheaper (significantly??) to start with 32.5 as starting config??

thins question is interesting enough for me that may be one of these days i will borrow the necessary equipment to do a comparison.

many thanks for your response tony --- any more thoughts -- keep them coming... anyone else with views, very welcome indeed..



Posted on: 26 February 2001 by Tony L
instead of spending money getting 72 boards into a 32.5, why not just get a 72??

Purely price - I run a recently Naim serviced, recapped, and 72'd late model 32-5 (i.e. as good as a 32-5 gets), and when I eventually sell it I would be lucky to get anything over about 250 quid for it. Likewise my old style Hicap is probably worth less than a new look one even though it has been fully serviced and recapped - its probably worth 350 or so, that means 600 quid the pair vs. about 800 quid+ for a good condition serviced 72 / Hicap. Whilst this is high for a 72/Hicap, significantly cheaper ones probably need a quite expensive service and recap to bring them up to spec.

this question is interesting enough for me that may be one of these days i will borrow the necessary equipment to do a comparison.

Would be interested to know what you thought.


Posted on: 26 February 2001 by ken c
hi tony, many thanks, i will let you know when i have done the comparison...



Posted on: 28 February 2001 by ken c
richardW ... many thanks. your point about CD input is a good one and well worth noting. CD will be the main source for this spare system -- so presumably, this biases towards the newer pre-amps??



Posted on: 28 February 2001 by Steve Toy
Secondhand Nac 102/Nap 140 is a lot better. I don't know about the Nac62. I intend to dem the 102 against the 112, and then the 140 versus the 150 to determine " the weakest link."
It is certainly not the CD5!
Posted on: 01 March 2001 by Simon Matthews
I have used a 62/140 for a number of years. The 62 was eventually replaced by a 72. These amps gave me loads of pleasure. I have heard the new nait as well as flatcapped 112/150 on a number of occasions, through various speakers via CD and vinyl.The new stuff is really involving. More balanced, consistent and enjoyable. Better at dealing with CD sound without giving away any of the vinyl magic. As good as a 140 is, a 150 is more in competition with a 180 (to my ears).
Posted on: 01 March 2001 by Nic Peeling
The 72 seems to have become highly unfashionable. I have always liked it but the sound is definitely a bit "warm and fluffy". I currently run a 72/hi/140 in my second system. The kit is in a different room. I recently put all the amps on an mdf board on top of 3 pulsar points and another set of 3 under the 72. The difference is amazing - it no longer sounds warm and fluffy, much more like an 82! From this I deduce that the small box kit is very microphonic.

Nic P

Posted on: 01 March 2001 by Greg Beatty
The 72 seems to have become highly unfashionable.

When I sold my 72, I could've sold 5 given the number of inqueries I had about it.

And yes - the 72 and the 140 are microphonic. Try the 140 on glass if "warm and fluffy" are not to your taste.

- GregB
Former 72-hi-140 Owner

Posted on: 01 March 2001 by Nic Peeling

When did you sell yours? I am trying to sell my Dad's 72 with MM boards (having got him a 52/52PS)and thought I was asking a very reasonable £320 on Loot (second time of trying) and had not a single enquiry. Looking at prices on Loot, 72's seem very cheap, hence my comment about unfashionable.

Nic P

Posted on: 01 March 2001 by Eric Barry
Email me at edb15@tractorfeed.com please.


Posted on: 04 March 2001 by colin thomas
Nic, I'm surprised you didn't get any interest in the 72. Had I seen the ad I would certainly have got in touch. If you still have it please email me: