A worrying trend...

Posted by: NigelP on 04 December 2001

Dear all,

I have just received my NAP500 and am delighted with it. The £10k price tag was very daunting and a bitter pill to swallow but, on the basis that I had this up against an active 6-pack, justified it's price. I have just learned that the partnering preamp is going to be commanding a price tag of around £13k. This troubles me because I'm not sure how you would assess this when comparing with the already excellent NAC52. The NAC52 is a "no compromise preamplifier" in Naim's own words and, yet, there appears an even less compromised than a "no compromise" preamplifier on the horizon. I can certainly think of things that Naim would do to improve on the 52 but at over twice the price tag confused ? This worries me. My suggestions would be:

My list ends there and I am struggling to understand what will be done that will make this amp so glorious that Naimies will be lining up to buy one. Anyone got any ideas? I am troubled that a degree of cynisism is showing and am hoping that engineering brilliance and value is still one of Naim's core values.
Posted on: 04 December 2001 by Doug Graham
I've been here at naim for a very long time. I'm in the loop as it were. I'd know the projected price tag for any new product. £13k hasn't been mentioned at any of the meetings I've been at.

Performance and price will be revealed at the forthcoming Bristol Show.

Nap 500 only came about with the advent of certain technologies. The same goes for any future products.



Posted on: 04 December 2001 by Alex S.
Which will doubtless be sold very cheaply for a quick sale once the Super Duper Absolutely No Compromise Preamplifieeeer arrives (11.5K).


Posted on: 04 December 2001 by Mick P

The 52 will be transferred to the secondary system.

It is too good to sell.



Posted on: 04 December 2001 by Simon Matthews
"The NAC52 is a "no compromise preamplifier" in Naim's own words"

What was defined as no compromise in 1991 is probably not the same definition of no compromise in 2001.

Posted on: 04 December 2001 by NigelP

Dangerous thing speculation. Look forward to seeing the results.