Tannoy dimesion loudspeakers & naim??

Posted by: Matt worlock on 15 March 2002

Ok anybody got any experiences they would like to share with this particular combo?

I,m listening to the baby model today with a view to follow up with the middle boy. The sequence goes TD8,TD10,TD12...the number denotes the size of the dual concentric drivers ..enclosure also increases!!

Ok let us know,

Matt big grin

Posted on: 15 March 2002 by aybee
I use a pair of classic Tannoy DC 10". Some claim the drive units are better than the current ones but I couldn't say.

I'm surprised Tannoy DC speakers don't get more mentions as they work very well with Naim electronics - the paper drivers + horn tweeters ensure a fast and dynamic sound. (They pass the PRAT test)

Only downside is the new range seem damn expensive - but then I got my old Tannoys for nowt. You sometimes see some of the pro range at bargain prices, DMT's / system 10/12/215's. A pair of D700's went for £750 on Ebay recently.

Posted on: 15 March 2002 by Matt worlock
mmmmmmmmmmmm MMMMMMMMMMM

listened to the £4000 Tannoy Dimension TD8's..... very nice then thought ...well the TD 10's are a 1000 more but could well be worth it in the long run ,and.......WOW.......nothin short of superb they are sex for your ears...mmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmm I like very much!!

...only prob now is payin for um!

I would welcome alternative speakers at this price band??

Cheers for now Matt big grin

Posted on: 15 March 2002 by ejl
Does Tannoy ever phase-out a speaker design? They must have 50 or 60 different model speakers in what seem like ten or so speaker lines. It's slightly astonishing from a business model perspective that they can keep all of these lines going. Are they a big seller in the UK or elsewhere? One hardly hears of them in the US.
Posted on: 15 March 2002 by connon price
Nice speakers, very big sound, I like the supertweeter, but I think the load was difficult up in the high end. I heard them with the NAP500 and thought they were very good. The speaker is ported so the bass was not what I would ultimately have for myself (I have SBLs) but TD12s were enjoyable. The NBL on same equipment was better for my ear, but I'm a junior member
Posted on: 20 March 2002 by Matt worlock
Hi Mr Price,

I'm wondering why you think that because the dimensions are rear ported it poses a problem for you. Is it to do with room bounderies?

Cheers Matt. big grin

Mad Boy Matt

Posted on: 20 March 2002 by rohit
anyone here use them with their 5-wire speaker cable. how's it wired to your NAPs/kit ?