Servicing question on a 42

Posted by: Dr. Exotica on 27 March 2002

I have found what appears to be a terrific deal on a 42 on Ebay (currently only $3.25!); my question is how much will it cost to service in order to bring it up to full spec.

Oh, yes. Here is the 42 in question:

NAC42 that needs a little work


Posted on: 27 March 2002 by Mike Sae
Compare that to a full 42:

Full 42

I'd think getting that skeleton running again (if it is even possible) would cost you more than buying a full 42.
If you have to send it to NANA, you may as well buy a 32 or 62.

I hope I'm wrong, as 4 clams for a NAC 42 would go into the Guiness book as best audio value ever.

Even if you couldn't get it going, for that price you could put it in a sock and beat someone with it. It would also make a nice Kleenex box holder.

Posted on: 28 March 2002 by Andrew L. Weekes
You've got the main PCB (looks like it's a 42, rather than 42.5, but nothing a track cut won't cure), the obsolete active devices and the expensive volume pot.

The rest is just readily available passives (caps etc.), a switch or two and maybe some connectors for the rear panel. Bingo - a working sort-of 42.

Better still the box is worth much more than that as an enclosure for an Andy-CAP that looks like the real thing.

I'm tempted to bid myself...
