NAT03 vs NAT05

Posted by: David O'Higgins on 17 October 2001

Has anyone had the experience of changing from NAT 03 to NAT 05?
Posted on: 17 October 2001 by dwdm
unfortunately, but from what I've heard from several Naim dealers, the 05 is much better than the 03... even close to the 02 level.


Posted on: 17 October 2001 by Mick P

I purchased a brand new NATO 3 about 3 yrs ago for my main system and found it excellent.

I purchased a 2 month old NATO 5 for £400.00 about six months ago and relegated the NATO 3 to my second system.

The NATO 5 is by far the better Tuner and it has the advantage of remote and pre set facilities.

I find it impossible to describe the difference in words but the 05 sounds so much more natural and also darker.

The 03 is streets ahead of the average tuner and is formidable in its own right, so either of them represents a good buy.

I prefer the appearance of the 05 but that is purely subjective.

You may buy either with confidence.



Posted on: 17 October 2001 by David O'Higgins
Thanks Mick ! Of course, this is what I want to hear. I was afraid that the presets would impair the sound quality.

By the way, by 'darker' do you by any chance mean 'quieter', as this seems to be a characteristic of moving up the Naim ladder ?

Posted on: 17 October 2001 by Mick P

Yes you have got it right. Darker means a more silent background which in turn accentuates the music and produces a much classier sound.

The NATO5 is a class product and you will not regret buying it.



Posted on: 18 October 2001 by dwdm
Originally posted by Mick Parry:
I purchased a 2 month old NATO 5 for £400.00 about six months ago

The cost for a brand new 05 is about 1450 euros (ie £950) here in France.
Where did you got your 2 month old 05 at that price ?


Posted on: 18 October 2001 by Mick P

The retail price in UK is I believe £725.00.

A guy bought a pile of Naim, then needed to raide some money and put various things, including his Hifi, up for sale.

I am a purchase Manager and I know how to haggle.

I got it down to £400.00 by applying some tried and trusted purchasing techniques.We parted both happy. I had a 2 month old model and he had the money.....the true win - win situation.



Posted on: 18 October 2001 by dwdm
If I've well understood, the next time I'll be in UK, It will be possible for me to haggle a new 05 at about £650...
Just another question to the purchase manager : what are the UK prices (normal/haggled) for my favorite whiskies (1 litre bottled), i.e. the Talisker and Macallan, which are difficult to find at affordable prices here in Froggyland ?

