Headline headphone amp. How does it compare to... AND what can power it?

Posted by: Jaybar on 11 March 2001

1) I am currently using a grado Headphone amp and Grado RS-1's. How does the headline amp compare?

2) I am currently using a highcap to power my naim CD 5. Would the CD 5 suffer markedly if I used the high-cap to power the headline? Are their better Options for powering the headline than removing my highcap from my CD 5?

My amp and pre-amp are Spectral brand.


Jay Fischer

Posted on: 11 March 2001 by Steve Toy
I supose it really depends on how much you listen using headphones compared to using loudspeakers. The "naked" CD5 sounds a little restrained compared to using it with either a Hi-cap or Flatcap2. With my CD5 I use the Flatcap2, but the Hi-cap is better - smoother and more authoritative, better texture and timbre than the Flatcap2.
Keep your Hi-cap powering your CD5. You could always try the Rega Fono instead, cheap at 99 pounds, or save up for the £200 power supply that goes with the Headline.
Posted on: 12 March 2001 by Bernard Paquet
I think it's a Rega EAR, the rega Fono is phono stage.

BTW, I have a Rega EAR and i think it's really good for the price. And the best is that it work on 24 v. So you can use a Snaps(or hicap) to power it!!

Bernard Paquet

Posted on: 26 March 2001 by Edwin
Has anyone done a comparison of "affordable" headphone amplifiers?

The Headline with napsc or hi is the obvious and desirable choice for those of us with Naim systems, but for more casual headphone users like myself, is there more cost effective solution which sounds good and is compatible with Naim gear.

I hear that the Creek OBH11/11se with various PSU options is good and Rega have the EAR. Is there anything else I should consider?

I will be using Grado headphones.


Posted on: 26 March 2001 by Top Cat
...though others on this forum may laugh, the MF X-Cans V2 is a superb contender, sounding better than the Creek in my opinion. Admittedly, I have an external PSU for it and it's at Phase 6 Mana, so it should DESTROY most headphone stages, but even off Mana it was well worth the money.

I'd recommend you give it a listen and choose with your ears and not any preconceived notions about the brand.


Posted on: 26 March 2001 by Jaybar
Creek OBH 11 with upgraded PSU or OBH 11 SE. I also loved the Grado RA-1, but that is battery driven and continued battery replacement drove me nuts.

FWIW, I no longer accept the argument that casual headphone users require lesser amps with fewer $ spent. By any definition, I was a very casual user of maybe 5 times per year. I just found that the sonic degredation relative to my Spectral/Naim system was too marked. After getting the Headline (with the inro level PSU), my willingness to listen to headphones has markedly increased. Get the best you can remotely afford!
