Positioning a CDS2
Posted by: Morri on 16 May 2002
I know this is a strange question, not wanting to bore you with all the tedious details, does anybody know if it is possible to site a CDS2 within a shelf? The clearance I have is 17cm. I realise that it is top loading but is it feasable to operate it in this environment?
Posted on: 16 May 2002 by Martin Payne
Hmm, I dunno.
I've just tried a quick dry-run of that sort of gap, and I reckon it's border line usable.
I'm not one for worrying too much about these things - e.g. I just plug in the source I want rather than bothering with those namby buttons on the front, but I'm not sure I could live with it.
Some CDs are hard to grab because they have rounded edges. They'd be a real bugger to take out.
Posted on: 16 May 2002 by Mick P
Very borderline indeed.
If you are really hankering then you could just about do it.
It would be a slight struggle but you would at least have the music.
Posted on: 16 May 2002 by Martin Payne
Originally posted by Peter Henry:
As long as you are a gynaecologist, no problem.
Now why do I never think of one-liners like that??
cheers, Martin
Posted on: 17 May 2002 by Bosh
For my original home demo I used a base with 52, a normal shelf for CDS2 and an extended shelf above with LP12 on.
No problems inserting CDs although the black burndy for CDS2 had to be dressed carefully