82 & SuperCap

Posted by: Mark Packer on 07 December 2001

Some time back, here: http://forums.naim-audio.com/eve/forums?q=Y&a=tpc&s=67019385&f=48019385&m=8551911411&p=2

David Dever mentions the possibility of using the SCap digital suppy to power the switching on an 82 instead of a NAPSC. Some questions good people:

1. Has anyone done this?
2. Is it better, worse or what?
3. What cable does one need to do this?

Any other comments or help gratefully appreciated.



Posted on: 07 December 2001 by Mike Hanson
I never did try it, as I decided to get a 52 to instead. wink What you would need is a SLIC (the cable that goes between a Hi-Cap and a Headline).

-=> Mike Hanson <=-

Posted on: 07 December 2001 by Mark Packer
I've wondered what a SLIC cable was for ages. BTW, David D. e-mailed me and said that:

"SCAP digital supply is 12 VDC, thus insufficient (in some cases) to
activate NAC 82's 12V relays (the NAC 52 uses 5V relays).

The NAPSC (17 VDC) is better; a HICAP (24 VDC) + SLIC interconnect is better still."

So there we have it.



Posted on: 07 December 2001 by Manu
Does a Hicap (to power some lights and relays) realy improve the sound of a 82. I'm very sceptic. But I will try it.

If it does, i want an illuminated logo on the Fraim powered by NAPSC to promote the use of HC instead of NAPSC.


Posted on: 08 December 2001 by Ade Archer
Does a Hicap (to power some lights and relays) realy improve the sound of a 82.

Isn't that what the NAPSC is doing. You still need the NAPSC even with a Hicap.


Posted on: 08 December 2001 by Mike Hanson
Isn't that what the NAPSC is doing. You still need the NAPSC even with a Hicap.

Actually, we're talking about replacing the NAPSC with a Hi-Cap. You would still need the other Hi-Cap(s) or Super-Cap to power the audio section.

-=> Mike Hanson <=-

Posted on: 08 December 2001 by Ade Archer
Oh I see. Would this not be the sort of upgrade for someone with a system maxed out everywhere else (but still using an 82)to consider. I can't imagine it's going to be good VFM.


Posted on: 08 December 2001 by Manu
Wait gentlemen, the question is:
Having an 82 + supercap + NAPSC
Does it improve sound quality to replace the NAPSC by a Hicap.

Has someone tried it?
