HELP : my 140 is quite hot even when no music played

Posted by: Ken Chang on 19 December 2001

I have 2 hicap 180 82 62 and 140 and always left it switched on all the time.

However I noticed that all of it feel cold (room temperature) except the 140 which is quite too warm (hot) either played or not.

Is there anything wrong with it ?

Posted on: 19 December 2001 by Andy S
As Naim uses the electrical characteristics of the speaker cable as part of their amp design (min 3.5m NACA*), I believe it is possible to cause the amp to oscillate above audible frequencies causing the amp to draw power and get hot without any sound coming from the speaker.

One way to determine this would be to disconnect the speaker cabling and see if the amp still gets as hot.


Posted on: 20 December 2001 by Ken Chang
yes i use naca5 (3.5 m)

from answers above can i assume that my 140 is ok ?

Posted on: 20 December 2001 by Jan-Erik Nordoen
I had the same problem on a Nait 3. The casing was too hot to touch; my dealer checked and found that a faulty output transistor was drawing far too much current. He replaced both with the new ones used in the Nait 5.

Hope this helps,

"Sans la musique la vie serait une erreur"

Posted on: 20 December 2001 by Robbie

My 140 is fairly warm (not hot) when not playing music, and warm when playing music.So if your 140
gets really hot there might be a problem ,wich can be solved by your dealer or Naim.

Posted on: 20 December 2001 by Frank Abela
Your 140 should run at the same temperature as your 180 - i.e. just a little warm, unless you're sending a lot of signal down it in which case it will warm up.

With no signal, it should not be hot. Take it to your dealer for a checkup.

All opinions are my own and do not reflect the opinion of any organisations I work for, except where this is stated explicitly.

Posted on: 20 December 2001 by Ken Chang
Thank you for your comments. My 140 is quite warm (OK it's not hot)when not playing music and warmer when played. I may use wrong word to describe it , however the 180 remain very cold when stand by and rarely get warm except for when played very loud.
Posted on: 21 December 2001 by Manu
Nait 3, 90 and 140 get warmer than 180, 250.
4 small resistors are driven hardly, at idle they produce more heat than output transistors.

The output transistors has to be checked and the bias adjusted if you feel it is too hot.


Jan Erik, your Nait3 is ready.