The fraim...again

Posted by: woodface on 10 June 2002

Any way further to my recent missive regarding the price of the fraim I was offered one for the half the retail price! I took up this offer and am now the proud owner of said device. So what do I think? Well first impressions were a little muted as my equipment has been switched off for a wee while during the transfer from my old rack. Sure it was a bit clearer and cleaner but I would have been dissapointed if i had paid full retail! Once everything warmed up things improved and I am know getting a bit more of everything. I am not sure if it represents the great sea change put forward by others but it is improving with each passing day. If anyone is interested in taking my old target rack of my hands please email me privately.
Posted on: 10 June 2002 by woodface
The guy I bought it from was really uprgrading more of a change of circumstance. No 'M' was involved!
Posted on: 10 June 2002 by Paul Stephenson
Give him a chance he's going to love it!
You really must have had a bad experience may be its the air up there!
Posted on: 11 June 2002 by woodface
Mmm, I think the lingo is a bit different from a hi-cap in the way it operates. It merely turns the platter and is not connected to the amp directly, unlike the said p/supply. Anyway as to the fraim, it is starting to become very impressive, apologies if my previous post did not conform to the naim mania prevalent on this site!
Posted on: 11 June 2002 by silklee
It seems to me the fraim can only be used to house the new 5 series. Am I right?
Posted on: 11 June 2002 by dave simpson
Nope... it will hold really old stuff like my cds (mk 1),102,hi-cap and 250. big grin

