Wooden Floor Coverings
Posted by: Rockingdoc on 16 May 2001
Has anybody done a drastic floor covering change? Will it be a disaster? Does real wood sound better than laminate?
It was found that the addition of a Very Serious Rug (400quid Ikea job) in front of the speakers made a lot of difference. the more of these you can add, IMHO, the better. Large areas of glass also imply large areas of curtains, which is fine when it's dark outside, but is a bit stygian when it isn't, so the glass "goes off" a bit", aided and abetted by floor reflections.
(an imperfect
forum environment is
better than none)
[This message was edited by Mark Ellis-Jones on WEDNESDAY 16 May 2001 at 22:39.]
Incidentally, I would use the fibre-board type of underlay rather than the thin foam stuff. It's a better 'damper' of the new flooring, and not as springy. The new floor in effect becomes partially isolated from the rest of the building structure, which is good. I definitely prefer the sound of my room now to pre-laminate carpeted days. Good luck with the laying (long job!).
Stephen Bennett. Composer and sound design. (UK)
henry fool http://www.collective.co.uk/henryfool The Fire Thieves: http://tft.gen-next.com
Author of 'The Fast Guide To Logic' http://www.pc-pubs.demon.co.uk/fgel.htm
and 'Making Music with E-Magic Logic Audio http://www.pc-pubs.demon.co.uk/mmela.htm
I suppose it depends what you like, as room acoustics will always colour the sound. I happen to very much like the clean sound I get.
Don't worry about changing. Go with the aesthetics and then add rugs or inflatable coffee tables as necessary if you don't like the acoustic effect.
'What can I do to stop spikes destroying this floor which costs more than a CDS2?'
Try a penny under each spike until you're pretty sure of the speakers positions [listening tests ?] Then take a chance, remove the pennies, jump on the puppies and NEVER move them again.
Mind you, I set my speakers up stictly in line with Wilson's handbook and also position my listening chair so I can 'just' see the inner side faces of the toed-in puppies. Seemed to work beautifully first time - beginners luck?
Might be worth waiting for a few other views first
I lived with the penny under the spike solution for a while, until I was persuaded to exchange $50 for a set of target thingy's with rubber feet underneath and a hard metal surface with a dimple in the middle.
On removing the pennies I found the speakers had been well on the way to punching a hole through them. The base tightened up a little on fitting of the target thingy's and the soundstage grew a little.
Regards, David
Are you sure the present position of your speakers (you have accurate records of them?) will still be the best with the new floor (they probably will) - might be worth thinking about this carefully before getting the big drill out
I just read in the most recent issue of UHF Magazine about another product called Superspikes from a Norwegian company called Soundcare. These are apparently a spike and a cup together in one sealed unit. The magazine is offering them for sale in the most recent issue (No. 61), although this information hasn't yet shown up on their web site (www.uhfmag.com)
John Schmidt
"90% of everything is crud" - Theodore Sturgeon
Ooooops, see your point Just as well Rockingdoc hasn't drilled his floor yet! ooooorr has he ?
However, remeber that Watt/Puppies are incredibly heavy and will tend to 'squash' a 'floating' floor, even through quadraspire spike cups