Posted by: Ade Archer on 02 December 2001

I recently noticed that the silicon seal holding the crossover board to it's case on one of my SBL's had come away and it was loose inside. Apart from having difficulty fully locating the speaker plugs without pushing the board in further, is there any cause for concern. I don't want to silicon it myself as I'll probably make a right mess.


Posted on: 03 December 2001 by Dev B
I noticed the same on one of my SBL's recently when I moved from Scotland to London. Robert Ritchie (my dealer up there) scraped off the old glue seal and used a glue gun to make a new seal. The result was good as new. If you dealer has a good service dept they can do it.



Posted on: 03 December 2001 by Ade Archer
The silicon hasn't come away completely, just around the bottom half, and I didn't notice any signs of overheating.
Is it the same stuff as in the re-sealing kit for the SBL?


Posted on: 03 December 2001 by garyi

Silicon is Silicon, the Sbls may come with some fancy german brand but its all the same, and don't let anyone tell you different!

Posted on: 03 December 2001 by Dev B
It's not silicon, it's glue. I had the same problem as you - the bottom bit came loose, but you need to remove the old glue, clean the edges and re-do the job. Best send the PXO to Naim if you at all worried by this. Do not use the silicone for the gasket for this!



Posted on: 03 December 2001 by Ade Archer
Thanks Dev,
So I will be using the right stuff if I use one of those hot glue guns?


Posted on: 04 December 2001 by garyi
Plus in my experience of using the hot melt, at least the standard glue seems to have an aversion to plastic, that is to say it comes away easily, I don't know if a 'plastic' hot melt glue is avilable.