Here is what happened when I removed the Trampolinn... Is that what was supposed to happen?
Posted by: Jaybar on 27 May 2001
Table has lost its mid-range glare and clinical nature. Its warmer, less "neutral", less in your face details. The detail is there, but I have to listen harder to spot it. More involving, better PRAT, more aparant (and maybe even too much) mid-bass. Sounds less like a CD player.
Linn, Linto, Lingo, EKOS..
I miss the aparant detail, but not the fatigue.
Trouble si, I set up my room around the Linn with the Arkiv/Trampolin and now things sound a bit dull by comparison. Or an I just getting used to a different sound?
I removed mine yesterday, as an experiment.
I've been fan of the trampolinn since moving my LP12 to a Target wall shelf, feeling that it did help offset the negative effects a little.
Having removed it yesterday and fitted some suitable rubber feet (I'm waiting to find the part no. of the 3M ones the mana people use) I was quite taken aback.
It's a bit fiddly to level the shelf now, the tramp makes levelling the LP12 easy, but it's a small price to pay for the music that's now present.
Rythm, which was never a weak point, is a lot better, and kick drums, for example, are much tighter, with less boom and overhang.
Bass sounds deeper and it is quite obvious that bass lines that were slightly hard to follow previously are much more even and tuneful. Because of this though it might sound slightly 'dull', but you soon realise that there's nothing missing at the treble end, in fact detail on delicate cymbal work is much more obvious, without sounding Hi-Fi.
The music as a whole is much more cohesive, but sound a little less CD-like, which I guess is what you're experiencing. It definitely sounds more coloured, which is not normally something that would bother me, but it sounds very different when compared to CD.
So there you have it - I was wrong and am feeling slightly peeved as the tramp wasn't cheap. I think I'll see if my dealer can swap it for some music - preferably on vinyl
It would be interesting to know where Ivor's 'Precision Engineering Company' feels the trampolinn is appropriate. I'm slightly disappointed in my dealer as well, since he pushed me to try it, I'd originally only gone for the new baseboard. As it was fitted as part of a service it's always difficult to be objective, and I hate fiddling with the LP12, ones it's set up it just stays put and plays music.
I think I'll buy me a mana sound frame now and see if the hyperbole is true
Andrew L. Weekes
some suitable rubber feet (I'm waiting to find the part no. of the 3M ones the mana people use)
the part no is SJ-5076. See Bump-on feet at 3M.
I'd be interested if you can find somewhere where you can order less than 3,000 at a time!
cheers, Martin
the part no is SJ-5076. See Bump-on feet at 3M.I'd be interested if you can find somewhere where you can order less than 3,000 at a time!
I was looking there yesterday, assumed they'd be hemispherical, not cylindrical, based on the dimensions Mana gave me (which are totally different to the part no. you quote).
You can request free samples from the website though - they usually send a card with ten or so on - that may be enough for you?
Andrew L. Weekes
I had a similar setup to yours when I removed the Trampolinn (LP12-Ekos-Arkiv B-Linto-Lingo) and on no account did the removal of the Trampolinn result in a duller, less detailed sound. In fact, detail was similar with better PRAT especially in the bass. Your result may be the result of the new cartridge (with which I am completely unfamiliar) which may require some break-in time.
Farnell sell the part number you quoted in black.
Farnell part number 148-922, available in packs of 56 @ 4.41 each.
You can do credit card orders, but there's a minimum order value for non-account customers.
How many do you need, as I have an account, and will order some for my own use? I'm more than happy to pass a few on, or sell larger quantities on a not-for-profit basis.
Take a look at for more info.
P.S. Where on the LP12 do you stick them - at each corner of the plinth, or within the mounting area for the baseboard (assuming baseboard removed). I'm not sure if they're tall enough to fit here.
Andrew L. Weekes
Linn recommended the Trampolinn for LP12s that were sited in sub-optimal places, like a massive entertainment center. At least that is what they said during my week there.
It is not supposed to be recommended when the LP12 is sited on the standard "light and rigid" support. I tried one briefly and hated it--made everything squashed and boring.
Ride the Light !
I thought some of the people on this thread might be able to help me with the following problem.
I recently noticed that my LP12 will not sit perfectly balanced on a level surface. I previously thought that the cause might be the feet(original) not being exactly the same height, but after removing the feet completely (ie. resting on its frame) the deck is still unbalanced! I therefore have to add a spacer under one of the feet to get deck properly seated.
Can anyone comment on this? Is this normal or is there a problem with the frame? The deck is from around '86/87 and doesn't have any apparent damage to it. I read that the Trampolin has some sort of levelling capability on it, maybe this could help?
Afterall, the deck does sound great as it is, the specs are Aro, Lydian B, Prefix, diy power, Sound Org table. But I would still like to hear your comments as I haven't compared it to similar players and I also don't have a Linn dealer anywhere near.
Best regards,
You're plinth is probably warped. This isn't as rare as most would like to think but as long as the deck can still be set up correctly, you're OK.
It happens that some decks with big and obvious twists in the plinth work fine (I used to own one), whilst some with just a little warp are a pain in the backside. I tend to think that it's a combination of how well all the other components of the deck happen to fit together too.
Later plinths have added strengthening triangles on the inside corners to help stop warping.
Best Regards,
Mark Dunn
I'm more than a little peeved that my dealer pushed the trampolinn so heavily, he knows
I use light rigid racks / shelves. I should have kept its fitting sepearate from other changes, in order to assess it properly - ho hum.
I've never seen Linn admit to it only being used in sub-optimal locations though.
How many Naim CD's should I try and get from my dealer as a straight swap, to replace the music I've been missing for so long? )
Andy (whose CD player is sitting on the rack looking petulantly at a great mass of vinyl littering the lounge floor).
Andrew L. Weekes