Future naims
Posted by: Mario on 17 March 2001
If they incorporate new bits like a resistor ladder for volume, or a unity gain for theatre (the only way to do it IMO, hope they dont do an all in one box pre/processor)there may be too much to make existing models upgradable, so we may see the 122,132 and 142!!!
Supercaps 180s 250s and 135s will no doubt look like the 500s power supply as previous wide boxes all looked the same, but what will their half sized boxes look like, hope they still do these as I have always found them to look cool. Maybe a half sizer wont have the new 3 plane faceplates but a single plane bevelled at both ends. My questions seem endless,will an AV2 finally permit a centre channel and sub-woofer? Will they really get serious and give it an external power supply?
I'm sure naim are busy addressing all these issues properly, any opinions or facts out there??
[This message was edited by Mario on SUNDAY 18 March 2001 at 06:37.]
[This message was edited by Mario on SUNDAY 18 March 2001 at 09:46.]
Paul Stephenson has mentioned that Naim will be producing another AV processor (av2) and 3 channel amplifier (napv 175) in the new style.
An earlier message from Paul also said that they have no plans to update the look of the entire Naim range. This is good for existing customers like me (particularly those who vastly prefer the old style). Instead, they seem to be doing a gradual phasing-out of their old style for the new Darth Vadar look, leaving enough time for style-concious guys like me to finish off our systems.
Andrew (P.S. that doesn't mean I won't buy 3x500s)
Andrew Randle
2B || !2B;
4 ^ = ?;
My system was 100% "old style" and 2 weeks ago I substituted a NAT 05 for a NAT 03.
The NAT 05 blends very well and does not look out of place.
I prefer the new look, and the fuss over the new logo is just petty IMHO.
So don,t be afraid to mix and match.
They will already be working on it.
Would we like to have product markers on the visible side of the boxes or to remain anonymous and discrete.
I am not suggesting that the CDS ii has a powered by Philips logo on the front (however if it brought the price down....)
1) Visiting friends point and say "what's that do, and what's that?"
2) Gives the psychological feeling akin to building a sturdy wall with bricks.
3) Your wife can't tell that you've upgraded your 180 to a 250
4) The simplicity of visual presentation is enigmatic (so too is the old logo!)
Andrew Randle
2B || !2B;
4 ^ = ?;
3) ...Your wife can't tell that you've upgraded your 180 to a 250 ...
ha ha ha ... and here am i thinking that i am the only one who plays these games... 250 style box to 500 look is going to be hard heh...
I always had a fantasy about a whole half width system,CD, Tuner and amp on a half width Mana rack driving a higher sensitivity version of the IBL.
Take at look at this picture.
Andrew Randle
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I titled the picture "figment of my imagination" to try to make it clear that such a CD player does not exist.
The process used Corel Draw's Photo Paint, my first use of this software. Problem is that this software is so hard to master, but very powerful. I'm not 100% happy with the output, mainly because the colour matching system - for re-touching - is not easy to find.
Andrew Randle
2B || !2B;
4 ^ = ?;
The devil is in the detail.
Andrew Randle
2B || !2B;
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2. I have managed to get a lot of little boxes (72, Hi-Cap, 140, NAT01) but this will change at some point (I'm looking at a 250 / pair of 135s) to drive my IBLs.
3. I think the wife might notice this change as well. I knew there was a reason she was so keen on a joint bank account when we got married !
The household expenses come out of our joint account, to which we both contribute so that we have equitable amounts each month in our personal accounts for shoes, CDs, hifi and clothes.
But that doesn't stop her from getting concerned when I want to upgrade, but she's decided that it's something she can't possibly understand and leaves it at that.
52,82,102 will NOT disappear.
But may be re-skinned perhaps???
Great pic! My first impression, being the minisystem kindof guy I am, was that the bottom box could have two knobs and be an amp, like a Nait 2. The CDP could be an all-in-one affair as well - a sweeeet minisystem!
- GregB
No wanna mana . I bought an Ash Designs stand that fits nicely with the rest of our decor. I was going to buy stands unique, but when we saw the two side by side. No contest.
Ducks for cover from the flames !
My first impression, being the minisystem kindof guy I am, was that the bottom box could have two knobs and be an amp
Actualy, I was trying to suggest a power supply. Maybe a Hi-CAP.
Andrew Randle
2B || !2B;
4 ^ = ?;
My wife can hear the differences, and is quite enthusiastic about the results of an upgrade, and she comes with me to listen to the kit. She just doesn't understand what it is that triggers the upgrade bug.
Andrew Randle
2B || !2B;
4 ^ = ?;
[This message was edited by Andrew Randle on MONDAY 19 March 2001 at 15:11.]
The previous "skin" upgrade seemed to be a simple one as it appeared to be only a finish change as opposed to a construction change. That is, it included paint over the edge of the extruded case,new dials, new backround sticker and an illuminated logo. Converting an extruded box to the new plate design looks like a bit of a drama.
Does anybody know if the original alloy plate nap250 was convertable to the current extruded case 250?
I guess if naim released one more super CDS and super NAC, they'd have 3 neat ranges that each had their own appearance;
5 series
classic series
Darth Vader series,
only time will tell.
The light however didn't work (it suited them fine as they had an armageddon as well where the light didn't 'work').