A good read
Posted by: Andrew L. Weekes on 21 March 2002
Paul Stephenson has allowed himself to be probed by the ever lucid and intelligent Malcolm Steward, on the BAJ site, it's a good interview, worth a read.
This made me chuckle: -
" I don't know what other companies' customers are like but visiting your forum on the Internet paints a pretty vivid picture of, at least, the most vocal of your consumers. They're close to rabidly fanatical. You said to me once that Naim was almost a cult and it looks to me as though some of your buyers would drink your bathwater if you asked them."
Posted on: 21 March 2002 by Steve G
Originally posted by Andrew L. Weekes:
"You said to me once that Naim was almost a cult and it looks to me as though some of your buyers would drink your bathwater if you asked them."
Was anyone else's first thought on reading that "Mick Parry"...
Posted on: 21 March 2002 by Andrew L. Weekes
Posted on: 21 March 2002 by Dr. Exotica
Thanks a lot for the heads up Andrew. I found this interview quite interesting; it really helps me put things in better perspective regarding how Naim (the company) works (i.e., the role of Paul S, Mike Moore, and Roy George). As a relative newbie to Naim, this is a topic that I knew little about.
Posted on: 21 March 2002 by Andrew L. Weekes
The other interesting quote, from Paul was: -
"...I don't always like what I read..."
Posted on: 21 March 2002 by David C
Go on humour us with some psu stories ;-)
Posted on: 21 March 2002 by Andrew L. Weekes
Don't encourage me!
I'm waiting to find out what the NAC552PS contains before revealing more
Posted on: 21 March 2002 by David C
Did someone say Jung / Didden... Rude words
Posted on: 21 March 2002 by Thomas K
... before revealing more
Not another revelation/discovery!
Posted on: 21 March 2002 by Dr. Exotica
Despite PS's reticence about the sales impact of this forum, hosting this forum is a great stroke of marketing genius. Imagine expanding the universe of your hi fi buddies into a world wide virtual community of Naim enthusiasts. Imagine the constant goading and feeding of the upgrade frenzy. I bet tons of people have upgraded because they felt they were left behind or that their hifi was "not good enough", when things were really just fine.
I can certainly understand this perspective and imagine that some members do participate in this manner. Personally, I have chosen to upgrade after reading this forum primarily due to the education that it offers. For example, my last two upgrades were NACA5 and black SNAICs. Had I not been reading this forum and paying attention to the comments of other more experienced people, I never would have made these
odd upgrades. Same holds for upgrading my 32-5 to one that was serviced with the 729 cards. I have been extremely happy with these very modest upgrades.
The education that this forum offers is unsurpassed.
Posted on: 22 March 2002 by Andrew L. Weekes
The education that this forum offers is unsurpassed.
That is the sole reason I've been here all this time. I count myself to be very fortunate to have gained such a huge amount of useful information from JV's early posts and the mass of experienced, intellingent and knwoledgable Naim users out there.
A few more dealers should take a look in too - they often lack some basic information that doesn't seem to be spread by any other means.
They have a wealth of other products to deal with and be informed about, but if they were genuinely enthusiastic they'd realise the benefits.