Naim active wiring problem

Posted by: monkfish on 15 December 2001

Hi all
I have an active system which has been moved recently and I am now unsure of the wiring. Can anyone supply or tell me where I may find a wiring and connections diagram, my system is as follows.

Any help on this matter or any advice at all regarding the system would be very much appreciated (and needed).
Thank You

Posted on: 15 December 2001 by Willem van Gemert

Check out the Naim Audio main website. Under products you will find a section owner manuals. I suppose you'll find the info you need in the crossover manuals or in the general connections guide.

Good luck!


Posted on: 15 December 2001 by Dev B
Is it possible for you to visit Robert Ritchie in Montrose: 01674-673765. He will able to help if you stuck.



Posted on: 15 December 2001 by redeye
Can't help with the wiring dude but gotta say....
Monkfish is the coolest sign-on I've seen in a while
Posted on: 15 December 2001 by garyi
Is a PDF file on wiring, download that I think its in there.

Don't do what I did with my admitadly much simpler set up and blag it, you just land up with a lot of blown fuses!

Posted on: 15 December 2001 by Martin Payne
BTW, be careful with these manuals in respect to your system.

Several of the components (NAXO, NAPS) have different wiring arrangements than the current kit shown in the PDFs.

cheers, Martin

Posted on: 15 December 2001 by Manu
Your SNAPS is probably dual rail. Is it?
If yes, what number is the 5 pin socket?

Assuming the CD5 is pluged as described in the manual,

The path is the following:

32.5 --snaic5--> flatcap
flatcap --snaic4--> snaps
snaps --snaic5--> naxo
naxo --din4/cannon--> 3*250

You should have only one 5pin socket on the SNAPS, so no problem with this one.
3 4-pin socket left on the SNAPS only one should works (or the three, depending on how it has been modified when dual-railed). You can try the three, there are no danger, one will works.

For direction of SNAIC, the ring should be near the component on the left of my listing.

If you have problems with naxo to 250, do it as shown in the SNAXO manual (download it on the site as said in other posts). Only the layout of the sockets change, but names are the same.

If you have more specific questions, ...ask.

Power your amp only when all cables are pluged. If it doesn't work, shut down your amps wait 1 minute try an other connexion and power them on.

Good luck


[This message was edited by Manu on SUNDAY 16 December 2001 at 05:47.

[This message was edited by Manu on SUNDAY 16 December 2001 at 05:50.]