82 improvements??

Posted by: Matt worlock on 02 March 2001

Is it possible that by removing the phono boards from the 82 that one can experience an improvement in sound. I have heard that this the situation for the 72. Any help in this matter would be appreciated....

Cheers for now Matt.

Posted on: 05 March 2001 by Matt worlock
Hey John

How exactly did you go about removing your boards ....I mean like where are they once the lids off...is it simple case of pulling them out of a slot & leaving them in draw or somthing?
I don't want to invalidate my guarantee.....do tell.


Posted on: 05 March 2001 by Simon Anthony
I don't have phono boards in my 82, but I looked inside last week. The connectors for the boards are close to the BNC input sockets on the main board. Unlike my other Naim preamps, it looks as if these boards mount horizontally, about 1/2 inch up. In addition to the 4 gold pins (in, out, power and ground), there was a white plastic mounting post. Also it looked as if the boards were mirror images, again unlike the cheaper preamp boards.

To remove the boards, just undo the 4 feet, and the hex bolt. Then slide the tray out from the outer case. I prefer to push the tray from the back so that the facia is not pulled away from the front of the tray. Needless to say, do it slow and carefully to avoid damage.

It should be very easy to then remove the phono boards. Don't break the plastic mounting post. Make sure you can see that the fingers on that post are all inside the phono board hole before you try to lift up on the board.

Straight forward enough, but leave it to the experts (your dealer) if you have any doubts.

While you are there, you can check and see if there is a cable-tie on the wires above the volume and balance box. If so, you can remove it, with nail clippers, to audible benefit. Don't cut the wires or it's a service call.

Again watch the tray as you put it all back together. It would be a shame to end up with a scratched box, even if it sounds better than before. And don't overtighten the feet, they just need to be held against the base.


Posted on: 05 March 2001 by Ade Archer
Thanks Juan,
I was told by Naim the other day that I would have to send my 82 in to them for them to check if my volume speed could be adjusted or whether I would require a new part costing approx £150.
Based on your post I've just had a look myself and have successfully adjusted it, so you've saved me considerable time and inconvenience.
I can only assume the chap at Naim (sorry, don't know his name) had very little faith in me, as I did ask if it was possible to check myself which of the above alternatives would be necessary, and was told it wasn't.
In fairness the chap was otherwise very helpful, taking my details and telephoning me back the next day when he had found out the answer, but in hindsight I am now a little surprised at his advice
Knowing my luck there will now be a post from Naim saying "whatever you do, don't touch the small screw behind the volume control", but it does seem to have done the trick.
Anyway, thanks again Juan!



Posted on: 05 March 2001 by davidf
juan, can you be very specific with regard to the cable tie mod. Also, what benefit did you notice and how big a difference was obtained by this mod? david.
Posted on: 06 March 2001 by Ade Archer
If you remove the feet and the single bolt from beneath the amp and turn it the rightway up, you should then carefully slide the tray out forwards.
There is a printed circuit board immediately behind the volume/balance controls and running from this board to the left is several small wires held together with a cable-tie. You need to very carefully snip this cable-tie, and once removed, seperate the wires so they are spread out a little above the circuit board.
Ensure that the wires will not be touching the casing on re-assembly, and replace the tray into the casing before replacing the bolt and feet.
Hope this helps


I gather Naim actually manufacture the 82 like this now, so it only applies to 82's before a certain age

Posted on: 06 March 2001 by davidf
dear ade, my pre is serial #154xxx, would this be amenable to the mod or is it likely already done by naim ( I realize that I can just open the 82 if necessary). What is the sonic befefit in your experience derived from performing this mod. Thanks, david.
Posted on: 06 March 2001 by davidf
russ, last time I checked, a hicap costs about $1550 US. If the 82 mod adds the equivalent of a hicap, I guess I will have to do it! Anybody else have any experience with this. Any comments from the guys at Naim? david.
Posted on: 06 March 2001 by Henry Cosker

I can't agree with Russ that adding a 2nd Hicap is a subtle change. I found it one of the biggest upgrades in sound quality I ever made!
I do agree with him, however, that the cable clipping is subtle, but very worthwhile. It's not so subtle that you wonder if there's really a difference - you hear the change immediately.


Posted on: 09 March 2001 by Matt worlock
Thanks guys!!!!!!!

Did the phono boards removal thing and...........
it was straight forward & easy to do just as you explained. The results of which has had me listening closely.... or at least I thought I would have to...... but what a pleasant surprise the soundstage opened up & separation improved quite alot in fact I started to understand what all this PRAT thing is about. I was suitably impressed.... a lovely little tweak!!!

Thank you

If you have any more ideas just let me know!

PS. I didn't have to clip the cable tie... it wasn't their so i quess Ade Archer bloke was right about new 82'S!!