Naim CDI
Posted by: Ronnie on 25 March 2002
What are the thoughts on buying one of the last Naim CDI players it is in absolutely immaculate condition and everything is as it should be,
I have heard the player in a top flight Naim active system and can have a demo in my system for 3 days before purchase, a bit concerned that spares are hard to come by if it needs repairs in the future. I have heard the transport if at all available would be in the region of £500 which almost makes the player uneconomical to repair given the price I would be paying. (Buy the way sounded fantastic in the Naim active system)
Posted on: 25 March 2002 by redeye
What makes you think that a CDI is going to fall to bits? In my experience Naim players are built like the proverbial. If it sounds great and you can afford it then go for it...
Cross your bridges as you come to them. I'm about to spend a kak-load of hard earned on a CDX but if I could find a mint CDI I'd certainly take the risk. Especially as you say its in primo condition. I have noticed a bit of scare mongering on this forum from time to time concerning the CDI. My advice is check the machine thoroughly esp' the rubber ring the disc sits on... if all good then relax and be happy.
CDI is a kickass'll enjoy it.
Posted on: 25 March 2002 by redeye
ps..Exactly what is the price you'd be paying?
Posted on: 25 March 2002 by Martin Payne
Originally posted by Vuk's son:
I may have this wrong, but I think the 500GBP relates to a conversion of an older CDI with the original CDM4 mech to the newer CDM9 mech.For later CDM9'ed CDIs it would seem a simpler operation so maybe cheaper.
well spotted.
Would the old CDM4 have the "top-hat" puck, and the CDM9 use the flat plastic thingy?
Of course, a call to Naim with the serial number would tell all.
cheers, Martin
Posted on: 25 March 2002 by garyi
All original CDi mechs have the top hat pucks.
Posted on: 25 March 2002 by Guido
Hi all!
Not all CDI's have the top hat puck - mine was equipped with the flat one and as I asked naim support (how to distinguish CDM 4 transports from CDM 9) they said, ser. no. and of course, the puck, as all CDM 9 ones have the newer flat top puck.
Posted on: 25 March 2002 by ian123running
This was from the old forum:
Date: 16-Mar-98 01:49
Author: julian vereker
Subject: CDI All the early CDI players had the cdm4 mech as well as the same chipset as the CDS. You can tell simply by the fact that the puck on the cdm4 mech is a 'top hat' thing and the cdm9 puck is like a thick coin.
We changed to the cdm9 pro when we ran short of cdm4s. (due to Philips 'losing' several hundred cdm4s while they were on their way to us.)
We got a second hand CDI (late model) and are pretty pleased with it. Nothing's gone wrong and it sounds fine but nowhere near the Xerxes X for musical drive.
I demoed it against a new (bare) 3.5 and it was much better. You can't add an external supply which is good in a way.
Posted on: 25 March 2002 by --duncan--
Posted on: 26 March 2002 by Guido
Found this CDI auction starting at 750 € (here).
It's a CDM 4 one as you can see: top hat puck
Posted on: 26 March 2002 by garyi
Sorry about the erroneous information, proving yet again that I havn't got a clue what I am on about.
Posted on: 12 June 2002 by johno
Originally posted by Guido:
I asked naim support (how to distinguish CDM 4 transports from CDM 9) they said, ser. no. and of course, ...
Guido do you (or anyone else) know when the transport changed serial number wise?