CDX tweaks

Posted by: Boz on 21 June 2002

just managed to get my hands on a s/h CDPS (arriving in a week or so) and I was wondering if anyone using a CDX on a glass/metal rack has experimented with these little oak disk/spikes that go undet the feet that Russ Andrews sells and are are on the website

Lots of comments on the forum talk about how a CDX is very support sensitive and doesn't like glass shelves.

The CDX seems to sound OK but now I have added a CDPS I'd like to see if there are any tweak I can try to maximise the sound.

My rack is a Sound Organisation (no I'm not gonna change the rack yet !!)

Boz eek

David J Bostock
Posted on: 21 June 2002 by David Ng
Hi Boz,

I've tried a lot of other 'black magic' stuff but now I only use isodiscs, 4 under each acrylic shelve on target VR series racks, it brings out the mid range and low level details. I didn't know what I was missing until teh isodisc arrived. Glass shelves will work too but it has a certain glare to the sound and doen't allow me to really crank up the volume. You can get the isodisc via mail order from BeatReview.

Posted on: 22 June 2002 by Boz
Thanks David,

I've checked out the website and see the ISODISCS @$75 for 4 certainly they look the part but surely the fact they are made from high mass stainless steel still not get away from the wood Vs metal debate.

Certainly they look well worth trying but I think I'll get some £12.99 Oak Cones first to try them out and if they don't make much difference go for the ISODISCS

Thnaks for the tip


David J Bostock
Posted on: 22 June 2002 by Stephen Dupuis
Six months ago I was in a hobby and crafts store and picked up three small wheels and appropriatley sized wood balls - all made from oak. The total cost was less than $3 (CAN). Essentially a 'nut baller' as been dicussed on the forum and seen implimented into the Fraim.

Posted on: 22 June 2002 by Boz
Perhaps a stupid question but do you use 4 cones directly under the rubber feet of the CDX or 4 (or as someone recommended to me 3 cones) under the case itself and which way up do you use them (I guess spike downwards) ??

Which ebayer were you, was it riprigandpanic who ended up getting that particular CDPS (god my girlfriend at the time was really into that early 80's band !!) ?

I'll try the oak cones first...


David J Bostock
Posted on: 27 June 2002 by Boz
Took it out of the box and switched it on, initially very harsh and brash so left it for a couple of hours. Just before bed it was already starting to sound better so I'll get back to you in a week or so to let you know the progress.

I've borrowed a Musicworks mains block from my dealer so that may contribute to the extended bass etc but only time will tell...

How are you getting on with yours ?


Ps Naim have advised me against the Oak Discs saying CDX are fine on glass but for £20 I'll use my own ears.....

David J Bostock