New speaker

Posted by: Bas V on 28 May 2002

Hi guys!

After hearing a CDX+Nait2 system, I have decided that the Linn Classik is a too big step back after all. So, I am going to buy me a CDX + Nait3R. Now I only need some speakers. Could you please help me ou? The choices have been narrowed to:

- Monitor Audio Studio 2SE, including stands for 775 Euro. I know these speakers and have always liked them
- Monitor Audio Studio 20SE, 1750 euro. Have always been a dream of me, but maybe too big for my new 3,5 x 4,5 metres room?
- Linn Katan, including stands for 860 euro. I have heard the Ninkas and liked them, but they sounded a bit artificial. Lots of you guys do seem to praise the Katans however.
- Neat Petite, 1575 euro including stands. Not heard yet.

I do think the MA Studio 2's are a good bet, as I have had these speakers before and only sold them because I wanted more weight. But as time goes by, new designs come out, so what would your advice be?

Posted on: 28 May 2002 by Charlezz
IMO , speakers are the the less important in a system.. If I were you I would buy cheap speakers like s/h Linn Kans, and buy a s/h nac92 (or 72)/Nap140 instead of the Nait3R (the improvement is hudge!!: I had both, I can tell you)

Posted on: 28 May 2002 by Bas V
Of course, I am no beginner! I am just interested in any explicit opinions about one of those speakers. Like "the ... are a must have heard, buy nothing untill you have heard them". Or advice on the difference between the Ninka's and the Katans. You see, enough serious stuff to be said!

Charlezz, thanks for your response, but I have just sold my 102+hi+psc+180 because I wanted a smaller system! I know these are way better than a 3R, but I want to settle with this for a couple of years because of space problems!

Greetz! Bas
Posted on: 28 May 2002 by Alco
Hi Bas,

Have you already called the dealer in Weerdinge that I mentioned ?
He might still have the (mint) Studio 2's for only 500,- euro.

nice meeeting ya' btw

good luck on your search.

Alco smile
Posted on: 28 May 2002 by Rico

good news!

So why the Nait 3 R instead of the Nait 2?

Sorry, kan't comment on the speakers you suggest.

I guess with the Nait 3R you could have it engineered to run on a flatcap!

If there's any chance you might XPS the CDX, just get a CDSII - you could always rob the speakers from an old TV set in the mean time to save budget on the rear end, or what about some Rega Kytes, or Royd A7X? cool

Rico - SM/Mullet Audio
Posted on: 28 May 2002 by Bruce Woodhouse
Try Dynaudio Audience 42, about £400 on stands approx. I found this a more balanced and intersting speaker than the MA 2 SE which was a bit crash bang wallop for my tastes.

Posted on: 28 May 2002 by Frank Abela
Hey Josh,

Perhaps he should consider the Classik DVD Movie system with Katans/Trikan/Sizmik all round so all his entertainment needs are taken care of until the next best thing turns up? The Classik Movie system is arguably better at musik anyway.

Talking of which, since you lot were talking about blue laser technology, someone's done the blue thing with a red laser. That's right folks - 120GB with a red laser! See: PCPro

I think Bas was saying he didn't get on with the Linn presentation so he'd like a basic Naim system. So Bas, why not consider:

Naim Intros. Easy to drive, fast presentation, space-saving against the wall.

Dynaudio Audience 42s - small and capable, should be enough in your room. (Not the 40's! - Much harder work for the amp). Can go close-ish to the wall.

Dynaudio Audience 52s - larger than 42s with a real presence and good pace. (Again ensure it's not the 50 which is hard to drive).

Linn Katans. Not sure how they'd suit the Nait3.

AVI Biggatron Red Spots. May be too much for the Nait3.

All opinions are my own and do not reflect the opinion of any organisations I work for, except where this is stated explicitly.
Posted on: 28 May 2002 by airness
Originally posted by Frank Abela:
Dynaudio Audience 42s - small and capable, should be enough in your room. (Not the 40's! - Much harder work for the amp). Can go close-ish to the wall.


Why is it so? The figures seems to be the same for both 40 and 42. Any reason behind?

Posted on: 28 May 2002 by Bas V
I have listened to Dynaudio 1.3 SE's at the end of my previous 102/180 and didn't like it.

On Sunday I visited Alco and we listened to the CDX/Classik and the CDX/Nait2. I preferred the latter; it was so much more alive.

So, I was thinking of using the Classik as a bedroom system and the CDX/Nait3R as the main room system.

Intro's, which I still have, are no option. I have to place the speakers in fornt of a very large window and it would look really ugly. I know, shouldn't be of any concern, but I want the speakers to be nice to look at as they are drawing serious attention over there. I do really like my Intro's, that's why I listened to some mkII's because they are available in another colour. Thay were however no match for mine, very light sounding...

Greetz, Bas
Posted on: 28 May 2002 by Frank Abela

I don't know the reason why, but I've played a lot with the two ranges and the older 0's were uniformly more difficult to drive than the current 2's.

All opinions are my own and do not reflect the opinion of any organisations I work for, except where this is stated explicitly.
Posted on: 28 May 2002 by airness
I see... I have the 40s and i'm thinking about changing it to Contour 1.0. Do you think a Nait 5 can drive a Contour?

Posted on: 30 May 2002 by herm
Hi Bas

Why don't you try those Katans as soon as you have you your Nait 2 or 3? The size would be very convenient now, and later they would do very well in the bedroom with the Classik, wouldn't they?

And by all means, put the Intros in safe place for the time being. Whatever you do, don't sell them. You're not that crazy, being so attached to their particular sound. I suppose it isn't possible to send 'em to Naim HQ and have them reveneered in the interval, to enhance the WAF?

So how did you like Alco's Kans, aka "Kannies" (for Dutch speakers this sound ominously close to "Can'ts")? Just asking...

Posted on: 30 May 2002 by JosephR
Originally posted by airness:
I see... I have the 40s and i'm thinking about changing it to Contour 1.0. Do you think a Nait 5 can drive a Contour?


Hi, Patrick, you should wait for the JM-Reynaud Twin MK2. Should be available soon next month for audition ... I couldn't drive a 1.0 last time satisfactorily, you should ignore it ...
Posted on: 30 May 2002 by airness
Originally posted by JosephR:
Hi, Patrick, you should wait for the JM-Reynaud Twin MK2. Should be available soon next month for audition ... I couldn't drive a 1.0 last time satisfactorily, you should ignore it ...

Hi Joseph,

Did you use the 135s to drive the Contour?

Thanks for the info, will check the JMR out. How's the SBL?

I have got a CD5 recently, the improvement is great. The next upgrade will either be a cap or speakers. When fund allows, of course.