Trichord Clock mod on CDX...
Posted by: Alco on 29 March 2002
Hi folks,
Today I talked to a fellow audio/music nut on the phone,and he had an interesting story of a guy who recently modified his Naim CDX.
The modification included adding a 'Trichord' clock in the CDX.
The owner of the CDX said:"Before the mod I found the CDX a very reasonable player,although way to expensive for what is has to offer."
After the Trichord clock mod, the CDX became really stunning,so he says.
His system consisted of:Classe pre/power,Mod-CDX,Sonus Faber "Electa Amator".
(the modification would cost about UKP 245,-)
Has any of you guys experienced this modification on his CDX ? or would it be wise/worth it ?